Deadline: 13 October 2024
The call for AILA Research Networks (ReN) for the period 2024-27 is now open. You will find below a reminder of the by-laws and statutes of AILA as well as the procedure for this year. Feel free to share the call with the members of your national AILA affiliate.
ReN scope:
- Research Networks (ReNs) within AILA are formed for promoting research and disseminating their research findings inside and outside AILA. Each ReN focuses on a special topic area of Applied Linguistics that has the potential for new cross-disciplinary research.
- ReNs exist for three years and can be renewed. Generally, the life of a ReN is not expected to be longer than six years (
statutes_and_bylaws/bylaws/) while not being a blocking factor for more than one renewal.
The criteria for ReNs include:
- a research area pertaining to applied linguistics;
- participants who are active in the research area of the ReN;
- at least five members, some of whom should be new scholars;
- multinational composition with universities from at least three countries;
- a commitment to fill a ReN symposium slot at the 2027 AILA Congress (Vancouver, Canada);
- a report of the activities of the last three years if your ReN is seeking renewal;
How to submit a ReN application:
- Download the attached application style sheet (available for download on the first page of the form)
- Fill in the form and submit the file: https://enquetes.univ- lang=en - Deadline: 13 October 2024
For more information: