Invitation to submit a thematic special issue to AILA Review
Dear AILA members,
AILA Review invites applied linguistic scholars and practitioners to submit proposals for a thematic issue, which addresses socially relevant problems in which language learning, research, and practice play a key role. Proposals for thematic issues should include (1) the title of the proposed issue, (2) the purpose of the proposed issue and its relevance, (3) the table of contents, and (4) 300-word abstracts of all papers included, along with author name(s) and affiliation(s). Depending on the guest editor(s)' preference, each issue should contain 6–8 articles, which will normally each be of 10,000 (8 articles) to 15,000 words (6 articles) in length, including tables and figures. This should be sent by e-mail to and more information can be found at
We welcome proposals for 2 thematic issues to be published respectively in 2024 and 2025. Please let us have your thematic issue proposals by 15 March 2023.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Warmest regards,
Ee Ling
Editor-in-Chief | AILA Review