AILA 60th Anniversary World Congress Lab | FAQ


AILA 60th Anniversary World Congress Lab | FAQ

AILA 60th Anniversary World Congress Lab | FAQ

The AILA Congress Lab explores novel hybrid conference formats, which influences how we deal with content, traditions, and change in the field. The experiences and learnings from AILA Congress Labs will help develop a new format for the AILA World Congress to be more inclusive, more inspiring, and more to the point in the future.
Exploring, evaluating and further developing cutting-edge hybrid conference formats. AFLA in Europe; 2024 MAAL in Asia; learnings can be tested, refined and adapted to another world region. This lab period is meant to result in a clear and empirically grounded new spirit of AILA World Congresses.
Between 3-5 days in general. This includes offering cutting-edge hybrid conference design that allows for virtual participation worldwide and resonates in our colleagues’ minds still months after the time slot of the core conference activity.