• Linguistic Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability

    21st AILA World Congress Kuala Lumpur 2024


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  • On Hot Topics in the Field

    AILA Review: Two Issues per Year


What is AILA

AILA is the acronym for Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée or International Association of Applied Linguistics. AILA (originally founded in 1964 in France) is an international federation of national and regional associations of Applied Linguistics. AILA has a membership of more than 8.000 individuals worldwide who as researchers, policy makers or practitioners are active in the field of Applied Linguistics.

Applied Linguistics is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field of research and practice dealing with practical problems of language and communication that can be identified, analysed or solved by applying available theories, methods and results of Linguistics or by developing new theoretical and methodological frameworks in Linguistics to work on these problems. Applied Linguistics differs from Linguistics in general mainly with respect to its explicit orientation towards practical, everyday problems related to language and communication. The problems Applied Linguistics deals with range from aspects of the linguistic and communicative competence of the individual such as first or second language acquisition, literacy, language disorders, etc. to language and communication related problems in and between societies such as e.g. language variation and linguistic discrimination, multilingualism, language conflict, language policy and language planning.


Upcoming Events



Call For Papers: Language Use and Language Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, April 14-5, 2025

The Hungarian Association of Hungarian Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (HAALLT) 

and the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social  Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek 

are organising the 


with the main topic as follows: 

Language Use and Language Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence on April 14-15, 2025 

at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of  Osijek 

(31000 Osijek, Jagerova ulica 9)  

Website of the congress: 



Ágota Fóris (Chair), Anna Lehocki-Samardzic (Secretary), Edita Andrić, Szilvia Bátyi, Attila Benő,  Judit Bóna, István Csernicskó, Nóra Csontos, Katalin Doró, Réka Eszenyi, Kinga Klaudy, Anna  Kolláth, Ágnes Kuna, János Péntek, Gábor Prószéky, Robin Edina, Csilla Sárdi, Olívia Seidl-Péch, Eszter Sermann, Réka Sólyom, Gizella Szabómihály, Orsolya Szentesi-Žagar, Szilvia Szoták, Eszter Tamaskó, Éva Vukov Raffai  


Anna Lehocki-Samardzic (Chair), Tímea Bockovac (Co-Chair), Ádám Walkó (Secretary), János  Andócsi, Tünde Angszter Barač, Nándor Csapó, Diana Dorkić, Sonja Đelatović, Viktória Kelemen, Marko Kolić, Mónika Molnár, Andor Pajrok, Ilonka Ruzsicska, Kinga Samu-Koncsos,  Emma Sesvečan, Rea Tordi, Ivan Trojan, Erna Varga, Mario Varga 


You can submit your application at 

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vMv3mwZs8dy_t5kdFtm_qKT190iD8sZeqQeD4OLPxKo/view form?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true 

- as a presenter in Hungarian or English by: (1) filling out the Google form (registration and  abstract submission) and (2) paying the participation fee, or 

- as a participant by: (1) filling out the Google form (registration) and (2) paying the participation  fee. 

Detailed information about the registration steps and the abstract submission process will be  provided on the congress website:  



The congress aims to discuss the latest research findings in applied linguistics. We welcome  papers relevant to the topics of the congress: “Language Use and Language Teaching in the Age  of Artificial Intelligence” from all fields of applied linguistics. We welcome applications from  those wishing to participate in the congress from all fields of applied linguistics, with  presentations, posters, or workshops in Hungarian or English related to the theme of the  congress. 

The planned topics of the congress: 

  • Hungarian as a mother tongue,
  • Hungarian as a foreign language, 
  • Applied onomastics, 
  • Mother tongue pedagogy, speech  research, 
  • Discourse analysis, 
  • Finno-Ugric studies, 
  • Translation studies, 
  • Intercultural communication,
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism,
  • Minority languages, linguistic  minorities, 
  • Communication, 
  • Contrastive linguistics, 
  • Lexicology and lexicography,
  • Language pedagogy, 
  • Language policy, language planning,  linguistic rights, 
  • Pragmatics, 
  • Psycholinguistics, 
  • Specialized languages, 
  • Computational linguistics and  language technology, 
  • Sociolinguistics, 
  • Text linguistics, 
  • Terminology and terminography.

At the congress, plenary lectures will be presented, and participants will also have the  opportunity to hear the most recent recipient of the Brassai Sámuel Award. 

Plenary speakers:  

Prof. dr. Judit Bóna, full professor 

Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Applied Linguistics and  Phonetics 

Prof. dr. Csaba Pléh, professor emeritus 

Central European University, Department of Cognitive Science 

Prof. dr. Gábor Prószéky, Director-General 

HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics 

Brassai presentation: Dr. habil. Orsolya Nádor, associate professor 

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities, Department  of Hungarian Linguistics 

Abstract submission: 

- Abstracts can be submitted for section presentations or poster presentations. Section  presentations will be in 20-minute slots (15-minute presentation + 5-minute discussion).  

  • The length of the abstract should be a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words.  (This does not include the list of cited literature.) 
  • The abstract should include: the theoretical background, objectives, methods of the  research, and a summary of the expected or obtained results. 
  • At the end of the abstract, five keywords should be listed. 
  • The abstract should include 2-5 references. Their bibliographic data should be listed in  the “References” section following the abstract. 
  • Images, tables, and quotes should not be included in the abstract. 
  • The formal requirements for references in the abstract are the same as the formal  requirements of the HAALLT Congress Publications series  (https://manye.hu/kongresszusi-kiadvanyok/). 

- Abstracts can be uploaded via https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=30manye between  December 6, 2024, and February 28, 2025. Applicants will be notified about the acceptance of  their abstracts by March 17, 2025. The program committee reserves the right to decide on  allocating abstracts into section presentations.


HAALLT members  

The membership fee is 5000 HUF/year. The membership form can be downloaded from the  following website: https://manye.hu/szervezet/tagsagi-informaciok/ 

HAALLT membership entitles members to a discounted participation fee at the congress. The membership fee must be paid to the central account of HAALLT by February 15 of each  calendar year. 


Registration fees should be paid by bank transfer. 

IMPORTANT! The congress bank account number is not the same as the HAALLT bank account  number. 

Congress Bank Account Details: 

  • Bank: ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d. Zagreb 
  • Congress Bank Account Number (IBAN): HR8423600001102484368, SWIFT Code:  ZABAHR2X 
  • Payment Instructions: When making the transfer, please indicate the participant's  name in the “Payment Reference” field. 

Cancellation: For cancellations made before March 14, 2025, 50% of the paid amount will be  refunded. For cancellations after this date, unfortunately, no refund can be provided. 

Invoice Request: Please indicate your invoice request during registration. If you require an  invoice before payment, please request a proforma (advance) invoice by emailing  manye.eszek2025@gmail.com


HAALLT and AILA  members1 

PhD Students,  University students with HAALLT 



Early Until  

March 14,  


Regular Until  

March 21,  


75 EUR 55 EUR 87 EUR 85 EUR 75 EUR 97 EUR  

1 The discount is available to HAALLT members who pay their membership fee for 2025. Entry options and  membership fee payment: see the HAALLT website: https://manye.hu/szervezet/tagsagi-informaciok/.

University BA and MA students can participate in the conference for free. 

The registration fee includes the following: 

  • opportunity to present and participate in the congress, 
  • congress package and reception (first evening), 
  • coffee, refreshments, and pastries (during coffee breaks), 
  • publication of the written version of the presented lecture in the congress proceedings  (subject to positive review), 
  • an electronic version of the congress proceedings, including plenary, poster, workshop,  and section presentations. 

Information about the congress proceedings: 

The lectures given at the congress will be published in the book series “A MANYE Kongresszusok  Előadásai” (“HAALLT Congress Publications”) in the online system of the Akadémiai Kiadó  (https://mersz.hu/a-manye-kongresszusok-eloadasai) in the year following the congress. The  series has an ISSN number, and the volumes are assigned a DOI identifier.  

The written version of the presentations given at the congress must be prepared and submitted  in accordance with the editorial guidelines. The submitted papers will be reviewed, and only  those papers that meet the formal and content requirements and are supported by the reviewers  will be included in the editorial process and may appear in the volume of papers. Information and  editorial guidelines: https://manye.hu/kongresszusi-kiadvanyok/ 

Osijek, January 21, 2025 

Prof. dr. Gábor Prószéky 

President of HAALLT, 

HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics 

Prof. dr. Ágota Fóris 

Chair of Program Committee, 

Vice-President of HAALLT,  

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed  Church in Hungary 

izv. prof. dr. sc. Anna Lehocki-Samardzic Chair of Organizing Committee, J. J. Strossmayer University

RECAL – Research & Educational Cultures in Applied Linguistics


  • Paola GAMBOA, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, AFLA


The scope of this AILA Research Network RECAL - Research & Educational Cultures in Applied Linguistics, is to examine the cultural, political, epistemological and methodological diversity of applied linguistics research in various countries; as well as the diversity of institutional conditions in which the research is conducted. 

Adopting an interdisciplinary approach (applied linguistics, educational sciences, sociology), research in this ReN focuses on:

  1. Scientific culture. In order to know, how theories from Global North and Global South countries have been received, interpreted and put into practice in different countries with different intellectual, scientific and educational traditions.
  2. Educational culture. Education systems, history and heritage. Coloniality and decolonial perspectives.
  3. Editorial culture. To determine the opportunities and constraints of publishing in English. In particular, how to publish in English without losing the conceptual, epistemological and pedagogical specificity of a research often conceived in a language different from English.
  4. Didactic and pedagogical cultures. To find out, what are the socio-political bases, realities and constraints in language teaching and learning (bilingualism / multilingualism / plurilingualism) in different education systems.
  5. Pre-service and In-service teacher’s development. To understand the difficulties researchers and teachers have to face in order to adapt diversity policies into inclusive practices, but also to what extent they have been trained to reflect on identifying problems of diversity and inclusion.

This REN wants to feature both research and educational projects showing the challenges to overcome in: 

  • analyzing, understanding and questioning the colonial heritage, the systemic coloniality and the decolonial needs.
  • adopting transnational (such UNESCO) and national (specific to a country) policies and guidelines to implement diversity and inclusion.
  • promoting language value (equality and equity), maintenance or revitalization. 
  • implementing appropriate working conditions for researchers and teachers in order to meet the learners’ needs.


This REN welcomes projects describing the challenges mentioned above, but also the designing of educational solutions representative of social challenges, connecting classrooms with life experiences and recognizing the experiences and abilities of every student, in particular, those historically marginalized.


Epistemological, research and educational cultures | Diversity & Inclusion | Teacher’s development, practices and social impact | Critical intercultural dimensions | Decolonial perspectives | Education policies.

If your research and teaching interests meet those of our network, do not hesitate to contact us in order to join us.


Highlight of 3 scientific ReN works during the previous period:


Groningen. Netherlands, August, 2021. The dynamics of language, communication and culture in applied linguistic research in Latin America. Participants: English researchers and teachers in various Latin American countries. Objectif: To respond to changes due to globalization: inequalities and social justice; epistemological and ideological sequels of colonialism; deconstruction and postmodern theories concerning the language-identity-culture relationship; and the didactic foundations of language teaching. Coordinators: Claire KRAMSCH, Harold CASTAÑEDA PENA & Paola GAMBOA.


As organizers of the 2021 ReCAL symposium Claire KRAMSCH (Emerita Professor at Berkeley University), Harold CASTEÑEDA (PhD Professor at Universidad Distritital Francisco José de Caldas) and Paola GAMBOA (PhD Lecturer at Sorbonne Nouvelle University) have decided to coordinate a volume on the decolonization of research in applied linguistics in Latin America. In this volume, researchers from Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and the United States of America, were invited to report on their work, adopting as much as possible a reflexive stance, but also to offer a critical analysis of their efforts to decolonize their research projects. In particular, they would analyze, using Spanish or Portuguese and English, their own locus of enunciation / lugar de enunciación / lugar de fala.

Castañeda-Peña, H., Gamboa, P., & Kramsch, C. (Eds.). (2023). Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Research in Latin America: Moving to a Multilingual Mindset (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003326748 


In the frame of the 5th Congreso Paraguayo de Lingüística Aplicada (CONPLA) preparation, Claire KRAMSCH, Kyria FINARDI and Paola GAMBOA were invited to held a conference on the edited volume Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Research in Latin America: Moving to a Multilingual Mindset. The invitation was made by Professor Valentina CANESE. Directora del Instituto Superior de Lenguas. Universidad Nacional de Asunción.


Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia, August, 2024. Hybrid symposium. Diversity and inclusion: from transnational and national policies to classroom realities, constraints and implementations. Objectif: To understand what is meant by diversity and inclusion (clearly identified typologies and the adoption of anticipatory and accurate responses). Coordinators: Claire KRAMSCH & Paola GAMBOA.


Some members: 

  • Maure AGUIRRE ORTEGA. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
  • Paula Tatianne CARRERA SZUNDY. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
  • Harold CASTAÑEDA PEÑA. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Colombia
  • Erica COACHMAN. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
  • Fotini DIAMANTIDAKI. University College London. United Kingdom
  • Haley DE KORNE. University of Oslo. Norway
  • Carina FERNANDEZ. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina
  • Jorge FROZZINI. Université de Québec à Chicoutimi. Canada
  • Carmen Helena GUERRERO NIETO. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia
  • Irene HEIDT. Universität Potsdam. Germany
  • Lane IGOUDIN. Los Angeles City College. United States of America
  • Tiechneg LI. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
  • Mario LÓPEZ GOPAR. Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Mexico
  • Yecid ORTEGA. Queen's University Belfast. United Kingdom
  • Janeth ORTIZ. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
  • Beatriz PEÑA DIX. Universidad de los Andes. Colombia
  • Nara TAKAKI. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Brazil
  • Gabriela TAVELA. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina
  • Rogerio TILIO. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
  • Diego UBAQUE CASALLAS. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia

Newsletter December

What's on in Applied Linguistics ...

AILA logo - with text


December 2024
Welcome to the December 2024 AILA Newsletter. Considering the current global scenario of enduring wars and crises, I would like to finish this year with a message of hope and an invitation to think together about ways in which we, applied linguists, can make a difference for a better world.
As part of its strategic collaborations, AILA has a longstanding relationship with UNESCO having endorsed its Sustainable Development Agenda https://aila.info/about/endorsements/policies-guidelines/un-2030-sustainable-development/. Moreover, we share an interest in the role of languages and intercultural competence for a more peaceful world. So as to stay tuned with the latest news by UNESCO, in this issue we share some highlights from the UNESCO Chair on Intercultural Competences newsletter published recently by Dr. Darla K. Deardorff, UNESCO Chairholder. For those who would like to read the news in full or subscribe to its quarterly newsletter, please write to: unesco-icc@sun.ac.za

Highlights UNESCO Chair Intercultural Competences Newsletter

The newsletter highlights the UN Summit of the Future, emphasizing peacebuilding through intercultural dialogue, human rights, governance reform, and the role of multilingualism in global cooperation. The role of applied linguists is vital in fostering inclusivity, language accessibility, and ethical use of technology.

Read More

AILA Research Networks (ReNs)

AILA Research Networks (ReNs) https://aila.info/research/list-of-rens/ aim to tackle important matters and advance research on specific topics of applied linguistics through the collaborative effort of scholars working on innovative research perspectives. ReNs also synthesize knowledge, examine the state of art, stimulate collaborations and identify promising directions in research areas of worldwide significance for applied linguistics.
Currently AILA has 22 ReNs that tackle important issues for the aforementioned UN agenda and that include, but are not limited to: the role of English and other languages in education and implications for multilingualism, the importance of multilingual education, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Language Policy and Planning, open scholarship, migration, content and language integrated learning, academic publishing, inclusive education, English as a lingua Franca and Virtual Exchange, to name but a few.
With an eye to further develop intra and inter-regional collaborations through AILA, we take this opportunity to share a report of submissions to AILA Research Networks for the period of 2024-2027. AILA Research Networks (ReNs) promote research and its dissemination in all academic areas of Applied Linguistics with a particular focus on areas that have the potential for new cross-disciplinary research. Typically, ReNs involve at least five members from at least three countries. Results of the application for ReNs will be out in January and a report can be seen here

Highlights Events and Call for Papers


The 58th annual British Association for Applied Linguistics conference will be hosted by the University of Glasgow, between 4th and 6th September 2025. The conference theme is "Applied linguistics in the face of global challenges and local needs". Please look out for an official call for papers in January, with a deadline for proposals on 31 March. The conference team can be contacted on baal2025@glasgow.ac.uk.


The Linguistic Society of the Philippines has recently announced the Call for Papers for their upcoming international conference to be held on April 24-26, 2025.
Details can be found here: https://www.lsphil.net/post/536b624c


The Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) and the Organizing Committee of this edition of the Association’s annual conference are pleased to invite you to the 42nd International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), organized by the Department of Spanish, Modern, and Classical Philology (English Philology), which will take place from April 2 to 4, 2025, at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, Palma, Mallorca) on the UIB Campus (Spain).
The two cornerstones of this conference will be language acquisition and teaching and intercultural and multilingual communication in the digital age.
Each participant may submit a maximum of two proposals, in Spanish, English, or Catalan, from October 31, 2024, until the submission deadline of proposals on December 20, 2024 through the conference website platform (https://evaluaciones.aesla.org.es/). For more detailed information about the organization of AESLA 2025, visit https://aesla.uib.eu or contact aesla2025@uib.es


Next edition of the Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2) conference, which we'll be hosting at the Complutense University of Madrid between November 27 - 28, 2025. Deadline for abstract submission: 19 January, 2025, by email to taml2ucm@gmail.com or visit their Website: https://eventos.ucm.es/122980/detail/tense-aspect-and-modality-in-l2-taml2.html


The 2025 Annual Conference of the China English Language Education Association (CELEA) will be held in Chongqing on October 17-19, 2025. For a report of the 2024 event and other activities by CELEA in 2024, click here


The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Language and Higher Education - ICLHE - invites you to their 8th edition, the ICLHE 2025 Conference themed "EMInclusion: Integrating Language and Content for Egalitarian Higher Education" that will take place from September 24 to 27, 2025, at the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The conference focuses on the complexities of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) and Other Languages as a Medium of Instruction (OLMI), promoting dialogue on fostering inclusivity and linguistic diversity in higher education. Participants are invited to submit proposals in one of seven tracks, exploring themes such as linguistic inclusion, identity, language policies, and the role of languages in higher education. Contributions may take the form of papers, experience reports, posters, workshops, or colloquia. Submissions will be accepted from December 10th, 2024, to January 19, 2025, via https://www.even3.com.br/8thiclhe/ For detailed information about the conference, visit ICLHE 2025 or contact the Organizing Committee at iclhe2025@ufcspa.edu.br or on Instagram @iclhe2025conference.

Local Voices, Global Impact: Examining the role of English in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts of the Global South

This edited volume, "Local Voices, Global Impact," invites researchers from the Global South to explore the role of English in multilingual and multicultural education. It aims to decolonize educational practices by centering local knowledge and experiences while navigating the rise of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education. The book welcomes diverse perspectives on theoretical frameworks, practical approaches, and policy analyses that address themes like decolonization, multilingualism, and equity in education.

Submissions are due by January 15th, 2025.

Further details click here



Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kühlwein
April 20, 1940 - September 23, 2024

Forthcoming Affiliates’ Conferences and Other Events

Dec 14-15, 2024 Linguapax Asia 2024 Hiroshima, Japan
Dec 17-19, 2024 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Kowloon, Hong Kong
Jan 31, 2025 ANELA 2025 | Conference Jan 31 | Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands
Feb 19-21, 2025 The 25th International Congress of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA 2025) Macerata, Italy
Mar 20-21, 2025 Conference Academia on Screen: The World of Higher Education in Film and TV Series Across Cultures Passau, Germany
Mar 22-25, 2025 AAAL 2025 Conference Denver, USA
Jun 9-13, 2025 The 15th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB15) Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
Jun 19-20, 2025 Advances in Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners (ATFLY) 2025 Online
Jun 19-20, 2025 CILIDI 3th International Conference on Digital Linguistics | June 26 and 27 | Valencia Valencia, Spain
Jul 2-4, 2025 AFLA 2025 Conference - The Natural and the Artificial in Applied Linguistics Nancy, France
Jul 14-18, 2025 14º Brazilian Conference Of Applied Linguistics Aracaju, Brazil

Holiday Greetings

Inspired by the words of the UNESCO Intercultural Chair and thinking about the wishes we had for 2025, the AILA Secretary General, Glenda El Gamal, created a message written in the languages spoken by our affiliates

Stay Tuned


To receive the AILA newsletter, register at https://aila.info/members/welcome/newsletter/ and please share it widely, keeping us up to date about relevant actions and events to be announced in the upcoming issues. We plan to publish newsletters in March, June, September and December every year and invite all affiliates to send us updates and news to include in them. To keep us up to date with news from your affiliate, please write to president@aila.info and to update us on your affiliate contacts please write to secretariat@aila.info

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a peaceful 2025, we bid farewell with an image created with the languages of our affiliates, expressing our hope that these languages can contribute to the peace we all aspire to in the world.
Best wishes,
Professor Kyria Finardi
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

By Markus Bieswanger (Vice President of AILA and Past President of GAL)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague Wolfgang Kuehlwein on September 23, 2024, at the age of 84. We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family. Professor Kuehlwein was president of GAL, the German affiliate of AILA, from 1977 to 1986, and Vice President of AILA from 1981 to 1987. GAL and AILA are grateful for his service to the field of Applied Linguistics and will honor his memory!

A full obituary (in German) can be found by clicking here:



Local Voices, Global Impact: Examining the role of English in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts of the Global South

We are pleased to invite researchers, educators, and advocates to contribute chapters to an upcoming edited volume titled “Local Voices, Global Impact: Examining the role of English in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts of the Global South”, for submission as an edited volume to Routledge. This volume is edited by Dr. Mona Nishizaki (University of Genoa), Dr. Rafael Timmermann (Federal University of Pará), and Prof. Dr. Kyria Finardi (Federal University of Espírito Santo) and aims to identify, interrogate and hopefully interrupt the ongoing legacies of colonialism that continue to shape education systems across the Global South, with particular focus on whose knowledge, experiences, and perspectives are centered and whose are marginalized. At the same time, as we observe a growth in English Medium Instruction (EMI) as the internationalization of higher education accelerates, we seek to highlight how the Global South can carve its own place in this evolving landscape while promoting multilingualism in situated, decolonized educational practices. This book will showcase local voices and experiences that connect to global trends, emphasizing the importance of multilingualism and decolonization in shaping  more inclusive and equitable educational futures. We welcome contributions that explore both theoretical frameworks and practical approaches from diverse contexts within the Global South. Submissions may include but are not limited to:


Original research studies

Conceptual/theoretical papers

Case studies of best practices

Policy analyses

Reflections on grassroots initiatives


We are particularly interested in chapters addressing one or more of the following broad themes:

Decolonizing Education: Reclaiming Knowledge and Epistemologies in the Global South

Multilingualism and Linguistic Justice in Postcolonial Contexts

English as a Global Language: Opportunities and Challenges for the Global South

Navigating Globalization: The Global South in the Internationalized Higher Education Landscape

Pedagogical Innovations: Bridging Local and Global Contexts in Multilingual Classrooms

Language, Power, and Identity in Higher Education: Whose Voices Are Heard?

Policy, Equity, and Access in Education in and for  the Global South

English Medium Instruction (EMI) and Its Impact on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Grassroots Educational Movements: possibilities and challenges for Local Voices and Global Advocacy

Technology in Education: exploring affordances and challenges in a Multilingual-Interconnected  World

We invite contributions that critically engage with these topics from local perspectives, emphasizing the ways in which educational practices in the Global South can influence and reshape global discourses. Contributors are encouraged to provide contextually grounded insights that reflect the realities of multilingualism, colonial legacies, and the push for decolonization in educational settings.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an abstract (300–500 words) that clearly outlines your chapter's focus, methodology (if applicable), and how it relates to the overarching themes of the volume. Please submit your abstract and biography to elinetbrazil@gmail.com

Key Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2025 

Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2025

Full chapter submission deadline: 15 August 2025 

For inquiries, please contact the editors at elinetbrazil2024@gmail.com

China English Language Education Association (CELEA)

  • The 2024 Annual Conference of China English Language Education Association was held in Dalian on October 18-20, 2024. It was hosted by Dalian University of Foreign Languages. The theme of the conference is Interdisciplinary Integration and Collaborative Innovation: Enhancing the Overall Quality of Talent Cultivation. Prof. Azirah Binti Hashim, Prof. Wen Qiufang, Prof. Chang Junyue, Prof. Xu Jinfen, and Prof. Liu Fengguang gave plenary speeches at the conference. Eleven symposia, one workshop and one editor-in-chief forum were held. Sixteen groups of individual papers were presented during the conference. More than 200 EFL scholars and teachers attended the conference on site and 30,000 people watched the plenary sessions on-line.
  • The 2025 Annual Conference of China English Language Education Association will be held in Chongqing on October 17-19, 2025.
  • CELEA delegates attended the 22nd AsiaTEFL International Conference held in Chiang Rai, Thailand on November 14-17, 2024. CELEA President Prof. Sun Youzhong was elected as the Vice President of AsiaTEFL, the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Some CELEA council members, including Prof. Sun Youzhong, Wen Qiufang, Jiang Jinlin, Duan Changcheng, as well as other CELEA members organized 3 symposia on the following topics:a) Language and Critical Thinking Integrated Teaching: Task Design, Pedagogies and Assessment
    b) Developing and Applying an Evaluation Framework for the Development of Learning Outcomes in a Cloud Community
    c) Examining Foreign Language Textbooks at Schools in China: Content, Utilization and Database

ReN Applications Report

Report by Grégory Miras as AILA ReN Coordinator

The AILA Research Networks (ReNs) are enshrined in the statutes and by-laws of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée - AILA as a lever for  promoting research on burning issues in applied linguistics arising from real-world problems.

Although the statutes specify a number of 15 ReNs for periods of 3 years, the wording was changed in 2012 to allow greater flexibility according to needs. For the previous period 2021-23, there were 20 ReNs plus a special ReCAL on Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics. During this special period, ReN convenors had the opportunity to organise symposia at the two jubilee congresses, AILA 2023 (Lyon, FRANCE) and AILA 2024 (Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA).

With the return to a three-year cycle, the call for ReNs for the period 2024-27 has focused on finding a balance between renewing ReNs that have demonstrated their impact on the scientific field and allowing new ones to emerge. The idea is to come close to the numbers of ReNs set out in the By-laws, while at the same time proposing a framework that will allow us to build on existing promotional tools (for example, the publication of news in the International Journal of Applied Linguistics) and also to propose new formats (a focus in the President's Newsletter).

The call for proposals was sent out on 9 September, with a deadline of 13 October 24, and projects could be submitted until 16 October, in accordance to the AILA statutes, which stipulate a deadline for submissions up to two months after the end of the AILA Congress, which took place from 11 to 16 August 2024. The submission consisted of filling in a template describing the ReN project. 

The ReN Committee is made up of 4 members, one of whom is a member of the Executive Committee and three of whom are members of the International Committee:

  • Prof. Dr. María Luisa Carrió-Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Dr. Anitha Devi Pillai, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
  • Dr. Doris Cristina Vicente da Silva Matos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
  • Dr. Caroline Tagg, The Open University, United Kingdom

The Committee met on 19 November 24 to consider each application according to the following criteria, as defined in the AILA by-laws:

  • at least 5 members
  • at least 1 new scholar
  • international team
  • produce a report on the previous year for renewals

but also on items such as :

  • the contribution of the topic to applied linguistics
  • a clear work programme for the period in question 
  • the strategic dimension of the theme for Applied Linguistics

In the end, 16 ReN proposals were accepted including 4 new projects and 12 renewals. They all present the diversity of approaches in applied linguistics.

Highlights UNESCO Chair Intercultural Competences Newsletter

The newsletter reports on the UN Summit of the Future which happened in September in New York City, USA, with the theme “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow” where member states agreed on working on seven pillars: governance reform, climate action, technology for the common good, human rights, peace and security, and strengthened multilateral partnerships prioritizing the interests of future generations in global decision-making. UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized that while war is a choice, so is peace.

In what regards the role of applied linguists in the creation of conditions for this peace, we highlight some of the issues that were addressed in the summit that are of special relevance to us: 

  1. Emphasis on Intercultural Dialogue:
    • The summit stressed the importance of intercultural and intergenerational dialogue in peacebuilding and global cooperation, highlighting the role of language in fostering understanding across cultures.
  2. Focus on Human Rights:
    • Discussions around human rights included the protection of marginalized populations, emphasizing the need for linguistic accessibility in education and healthcare to ensure universal rights.
  3. Global Governance and Communication:
    • The call for global governance reform includes improving communication strategies within international frameworks, which is critical for effective collaboration among diverse language groups and populations.
  4. Educational Initiatives:
    • The summit’s focus on education aligns with our endorsed goal of promoting language education that supports sustainable development, diversity and inclusion.
  5. Technological Impact on Language:
    • The discussions on the use of technology for the common good, especially regarding AI, raised important questions about language representation, ethics, and the need for multilingual capabilities in technological solutions. It also stressed the need for global ethical guidelines and reinforced cybersecurity.
  6. Multilingualism and Global Identity:
    • The summit highlighted the idea of a global identity which recognizes multilingualism, and we underscore the role of applied linguists in promoting language diversity, inclusion and equity. Noting that this is the most fraught time since World War II, themes from the Interactive Dialogue on Peace and Security included the importance of focusing on shared values, particularly around human rights, the need to embrace inclusivity in peacebuilding efforts and the role of solidarity to address causes of conflict. The importance of intercultural and intergenerational dialogue was also stressed.
  7. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    • The emphasis on partnerships and collaborations suggests opportunities to engage in projects that contribute to global initiatives and dialogue that promote diversity in addressing these pressing global challenges.

The newsletter also reports on the UNESCO Chair Forum which took place in Ethiopia with the theme "Transforming Knowledge for Africa's Future," convening over 500 scholars, policymakers, educators, and stakeholders from 90 countries to discuss pivotal issues in education, culture, science, and sustainable development. The forum aligned with Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including discussions related to the recent Pact of the Future from the UN Summit. It emphasized the need for inclusive and principled dialogue to co-create visions for Africa’s future.

UNESCO Co-Chair Dr Divinia Jithoo also contributed with a report outlining her recent experiences and insights to international education, focusing on the importance of intercultural competence and equitable practices in higher education internationalization focusing on decolonial approaches. Her highlights include the need to address power dynamics in international partnerships and a discussion on the importance of languages, access to technology and virtual exchange for a more inclusive internationalization.

China English Language Education Association (CELEA)

  • The 2024 Annual Conference of China English Language Education Association will be held
    in Dalian on October 18-20, 2024. The theme of the conference is Interdisciplinary
    Integration and Collaborative Innovation: Enhancing the Overall Quality of Talent
  • More than 70 titles of The Key Topics Library, edited by Prof Wen Qiufang,Prof Sun
    Youzhong et al., have been published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research
    Press(FLTRP) in China. Written by more than 100 Chinese top scholars, this large-scale
    systematic library consists of 5 series: linguistics, applied linguistics, literature studies,
    translation studies, and intercultural studies. Focusing on a key topic, each work serves as a
    research guide for young researchers and presents Chinese perspectives for readers. With
    agreement with FLTRP, Taylor & Francis is planning to publish the English version of the
    Key Topics Library in the next few years.
  • English Test for International Communication, a local English proficiency test developed by
    Beijing Foreign Studies University, has just implemented its 7th remote online testing from
    home in August 2024. Until now, more than 400,000 candidates have taken the test, most of
    whom are university students and professionals. The test aims to assess test candidates’
    global competence and promotes the college ELT reform in China.


Report Congress Kuala Lumpur 2024

AILA World Congress 2024: A Historic Diamond Jubilee in Kuala Lumpur, 11th -16th August 2024

Global Delegates Celebrate 60 Years of Linguistic Innovation

The 21st International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) World Congress concluded with great fanfare in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, marking a pivotal moment in the association’s 60-year history. Drawing over 1,700 onsite and online participants from across the globe, the congress not only celebrated AILA’s diamond jubilee but also underscored its continued influence in shaping the future of applied linguistics. Hosted by the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL), this milestone event at the iconic Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre reflected both the rich heritage and the forward-thinking vision of the global linguistics community.

Against the dramatic skyline of the Petronas Twin Towers, the congress took on the theme "Linguistic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability," sparking robust discussions on critical issues facing the field. With 14 thematic tracks, the event provided a platform for a wide range of research and ideas, making it a hub for academic exchange and collaborative innovation.

Bridging Cultures and Minds

Far more than just an academic symposium, the congress was a vibrant celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity. The opening ceremony featured a stunning showcase of Malaysian culture, with distinguished ambassadors, sponsors, and representatives from numerous countries in attendance. The congress was officiated by the President of AILA, Professor Azirah Hashim, the first Asian president of the Association. 80 successful recipients of the AILA Solidarity Awards were announced by the Chair of the Solidarity Awards committee, Prof. Kyria Finardi. The AILA Honorary Award was presented to Professor Wen Qiu Fang of the National Research Center for Foreign Language Education and the Consortium for Chinese Studies and Intercultural Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University. 

More than 1200 papers were delivered in three modes - onsite, hybrid and online at the congress featuring an array of keynote papers, featured papers, symposia, workshops, individual papers and posters.  Six keynote papers were delivered onsite at the congress, featuring renowned applied linguists, Prof. Ingrid Pillar, Prof. Asmah Hj Omar, Prof. Catherine Nickerson, Prof. Enric Llurda, Prof. Low Ee Ling and Prof. Sinfree Makoni.  One of the highlights of the congress was the 60th Anniversary Plenary symposium on the ‘History of Applied Linguistics’ which was led by Prof. Richard Smith alongside a panel consisting of Prof. John E. Joseph, Prof. Azirah Hashim, Assoc. Prof. Ruanni Tupas, Prof. Cristine Severo, Prof. Claire Kramsch and Assoc. Prof. Ashraf Abdelhay. There was also UNESCO presence in the Special Symposium by the Asia-Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group comprising UNESCO Bangkok and UNICEF EAPRO on ‘Partnerships, Policies and Practices on First Language-Based Multilingual Education in Asia and the Pacific’.

Social gatherings were equally memorable. Delegates enjoyed an array of cultural activities, from a lively cultural welcome reception to the gala dinner at the Royale Chulan Hotel, which featured traditional fashion shows, music, and dance. The Malaysian satay evenings and city walkabouts offered attendees the chance to explore Kuala Lumpur’s vibrant cityscape while building lasting connections within the global linguistic community.

A Future of Collaboration and Impact

Chaired by Professor Shameem Rafik-Galea and co-chaired by Associate Professor Cecilia Yin Mei Cheong, the event supported by the MAAL Committee and members, MP Events (the professional congress organizer), and the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre team, was a powerful reminder of AILA’s continued leadership in fostering innovation, research, and social impact within the field of applied linguistics.

AILA’s incoming president, Professor Kyria Finardi delivered her aspirations for the future of AILA under her leadership for the next chapter of AILA's journey. The congress concluded on a high note, with Professor Rafik-Galea presenting awards for the best poster presentations and delivering her closing speech, culminating in a celebratory end to the five-day congress.

The organising committee of AILA 2024 extends their heartfelt thanks to all sponsors, particularly ELS Language Centres Malaysia, the Sime Darby Foundation and the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, as well as to delegates, publishers, and contributors who made this event a resounding success.


Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

The Opening Cultural Troup

AILA President, Azirah Hashim's Opening Address

AILA 2024 Chair's Welcome Address

Kyria Finardi's Speech as Incoming President

The Final Gathering

The AILA 2024 Team

Gala Dinner

 Opening Ceremony



The China Delegates

The AILA 2024 Delegates - Coffee Break

AILA 2024 Audience

Snapshots of AILA Sessions and Delegates

Making New Friends

Making New Friends

AILA 2024 Sessions