The Hungarian Association of Hungarian Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (HAALLT)
and the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
are organising the
with the main topic as follows:
Language Use and Language Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence on April 14-15, 2025
at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
(31000 Osijek, Jagerova ulica 9)
Website of the congress:
Ágota Fóris (Chair), Anna Lehocki-Samardzic (Secretary), Edita Andrić, Szilvia Bátyi, Attila Benő, Judit Bóna, István Csernicskó, Nóra Csontos, Katalin Doró, Réka Eszenyi, Kinga Klaudy, Anna Kolláth, Ágnes Kuna, János Péntek, Gábor Prószéky, Robin Edina, Csilla Sárdi, Olívia Seidl-Péch, Eszter Sermann, Réka Sólyom, Gizella Szabómihály, Orsolya Szentesi-Žagar, Szilvia Szoták, Eszter Tamaskó, Éva Vukov Raffai
Anna Lehocki-Samardzic (Chair), Tímea Bockovac (Co-Chair), Ádám Walkó (Secretary), János Andócsi, Tünde Angszter Barač, Nándor Csapó, Diana Dorkić, Sonja Đelatović, Viktória Kelemen, Marko Kolić, Mónika Molnár, Andor Pajrok, Ilonka Ruzsicska, Kinga Samu-Koncsos, Emma Sesvečan, Rea Tordi, Ivan Trojan, Erna Varga, Mario Varga
You can submit your application at form?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true
- as a presenter in Hungarian or English by: (1) filling out the Google form (registration and abstract submission) and (2) paying the participation fee, or
- as a participant by: (1) filling out the Google form (registration) and (2) paying the participation fee.
Detailed information about the registration steps and the abstract submission process will be provided on the congress website:
The congress aims to discuss the latest research findings in applied linguistics. We welcome papers relevant to the topics of the congress: “Language Use and Language Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” from all fields of applied linguistics. We welcome applications from those wishing to participate in the congress from all fields of applied linguistics, with presentations, posters, or workshops in Hungarian or English related to the theme of the congress.
The planned topics of the congress:
- Hungarian as a mother tongue,
- Hungarian as a foreign language,
- Applied onomastics,
- Mother tongue pedagogy, speech research,
- Discourse analysis,
- Finno-Ugric studies,
- Translation studies,
- Intercultural communication,
- Bilingualism and multilingualism,
- Minority languages, linguistic minorities,
- Communication,
- Contrastive linguistics,
- Lexicology and lexicography,
- Language pedagogy,
- Language policy, language planning, linguistic rights,
- Pragmatics,
- Psycholinguistics,
- Specialized languages,
- Computational linguistics and language technology,
- Sociolinguistics,
- Text linguistics,
- Terminology and terminography.
At the congress, plenary lectures will be presented, and participants will also have the opportunity to hear the most recent recipient of the Brassai Sámuel Award.
Plenary speakers:
Prof. dr. Judit Bóna, full professor
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics
Prof. dr. Csaba Pléh, professor emeritus
Central European University, Department of Cognitive Science
Prof. dr. Gábor Prószéky, Director-General
HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics
Brassai presentation: Dr. habil. Orsolya Nádor, associate professor
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Hungarian Linguistics
Abstract submission:
- Abstracts can be submitted for section presentations or poster presentations. Section presentations will be in 20-minute slots (15-minute presentation + 5-minute discussion).
- The length of the abstract should be a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words. (This does not include the list of cited literature.)
- The abstract should include: the theoretical background, objectives, methods of the research, and a summary of the expected or obtained results.
- At the end of the abstract, five keywords should be listed.
- The abstract should include 2-5 references. Their bibliographic data should be listed in the “References” section following the abstract.
- Images, tables, and quotes should not be included in the abstract.
- The formal requirements for references in the abstract are the same as the formal requirements of the HAALLT Congress Publications series (
- Abstracts can be uploaded via between December 6, 2024, and February 28, 2025. Applicants will be notified about the acceptance of their abstracts by March 17, 2025. The program committee reserves the right to decide on allocating abstracts into section presentations.
HAALLT members
The membership fee is 5000 HUF/year. The membership form can be downloaded from the following website:
HAALLT membership entitles members to a discounted participation fee at the congress. The membership fee must be paid to the central account of HAALLT by February 15 of each calendar year.
Registration fees should be paid by bank transfer.
IMPORTANT! The congress bank account number is not the same as the HAALLT bank account number.
Congress Bank Account Details:
- Bank: ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d. Zagreb
- Congress Bank Account Number (IBAN): HR8423600001102484368, SWIFT Code: ZABAHR2X
- Payment Instructions: When making the transfer, please indicate the participant's name in the “Payment Reference” field.
Cancellation: For cancellations made before March 14, 2025, 50% of the paid amount will be refunded. For cancellations after this date, unfortunately, no refund can be provided.
Invoice Request: Please indicate your invoice request during registration. If you require an invoice before payment, please request a proforma (advance) invoice by emailing
HAALLT and AILA members1
PhD Students, University students with HAALLT
Early Until
March 14,
Regular Until
March 21,
75 EUR 55 EUR 87 EUR 85 EUR 75 EUR 97 EUR
1 The discount is available to HAALLT members who pay their membership fee for 2025. Entry options and membership fee payment: see the HAALLT website:
University BA and MA students can participate in the conference for free.
The registration fee includes the following:
- opportunity to present and participate in the congress,
- congress package and reception (first evening),
- coffee, refreshments, and pastries (during coffee breaks),
- publication of the written version of the presented lecture in the congress proceedings (subject to positive review),
- an electronic version of the congress proceedings, including plenary, poster, workshop, and section presentations.
Information about the congress proceedings:
The lectures given at the congress will be published in the book series “A MANYE Kongresszusok Előadásai” (“HAALLT Congress Publications”) in the online system of the Akadémiai Kiadó ( in the year following the congress. The series has an ISSN number, and the volumes are assigned a DOI identifier.
The written version of the presentations given at the congress must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the editorial guidelines. The submitted papers will be reviewed, and only those papers that meet the formal and content requirements and are supported by the reviewers will be included in the editorial process and may appear in the volume of papers. Information and editorial guidelines:
Osijek, January 21, 2025
Prof. dr. Gábor Prószéky
President of HAALLT,
HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics
Prof. dr. Ágota Fóris
Chair of Program Committee,
Vice-President of HAALLT,
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
izv. prof. dr. sc. Anna Lehocki-Samardzic Chair of Organizing Committee, J. J. Strossmayer University