Survey: Adult ESOL Education: The State of the Field

Calling all adult ESOL teachers and program administratorsmake your voice heard!

We are excited to announce a new and important research survey centered on the experiences of adult English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers and program administrators.

We invite all ESOL practitioners and colleagues to participate in a voluntary research survey that will collect data for an intersection panel discussion titled ‘Adult ESOL Education: The State of the Field’ at TESOL International’s 2023 convention, and which will potentially inform a written research report.

In our field, we are missing data that reflects the programmatic details and the experiences/perspectives of adult ESOL practitioners in the field. Administrators and teachers lack a comprehensive view of adult ESOL, and we hope to help change that with this survey.

We ask for a bit of your time to help close that gap, and to glean critically important information that can help push our field forward.

This survey is open to adult ESOL educators and adult ESOL program administrators worldwide, regardless of membership or affiliation with TESOL International.
A link to the survey is below. Please share out to your networks!


Feel free to contact the research team directly with questions or comments:
Andrew Sansone (Saint Peter’s University,,
Melissa Hauber-Özer (Assistant Professor of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Missouri,
Katherine Edwards (Howard Community College,

NB For the purposes of this research survey, we identify adult English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programming as instructional programming for students with all the following characteristics:
English-language learners
aged out of high school / secondary level (ISCED Levels 2-3) schooling.
are legally considered adults (in the United States, 18+)
are not solely motivated by for-credit coursework or academic degree attainment.

*Details about comparative international ISCED Levels can be viewed here: