Call for Papers: CLIL-ing through Board Games (edited volume)
Editors: Thomaï Alexiou & Athanasios Karasimos
The great interest regarding this book and the fact that a number of colleagues asked more time to do research due to COVID restrictions, led us to the decision to renew this present call for papers. We invite you, therefore, to submit abstracts for chapters to be included in our edited book titled ‘CLIL-ing through board games. Challenge accepted!’ which is likely to be published by De Gruyter Mouton.
The new-age board gaming dominance started with the famous Catan, which marked the shift from the old and traditional board games, like Monopoly, Taboo, Hotel, Risk, Trivial Pursuit. Modern board games reduce or negate the “luck factor”, include the cooperation mode, and are easily adjustable for educational and research purposes covering a wide range of scientific areas and disciplines. All genres of modern board games are language independent (a game without text) or language dependent (a game with texts). Both are ideal for language teaching and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and they are in line with the current tenets of foreign language pedagogy.
Authors interested in submitting a chapter related to CLIL and board games (physical or digital board games) should send to Dr Thomai Alexiou at by 30/5/2021:
a) an extended abstract(of between 300 and 500 words, excluding references)
b) a list of 4-6 keywordsthat describe their intended paper
The topics of interest include:
- Board games in education (physical or digital)
- CLIL and board games
- Multilingualism and board games
- Board games and materials development
- Alternative Assessment, CLIL and board games
- Skills, CLIL and board games
30/5/2021: Abstract/keyword submission.
30/6/2021: Decision on abstract (acceptance/rejection) and invitation to submit manuscript. Invitation to submit full paper (guidelines will be included at this point)
31/12/2021: Paper submission (4,500 – 6,000 words excluding references)
30/2/2022: Editors’ review of submitted paper.
1/4/2022: Submission of revised paper.
30/5/2022: Guest Editors’ final review of revised paper.
30/7/2022: Submission of final paper.
Expected publication of the book: December 2022