AILA Tandem Initiative


AILA Tandem Initiative

Transgressing boundaries by launching AILA affiliates tandem initiatives


AILA national affiliates embody traditions and represent cultures of doing, promoting, and supporting research and teaching, for example, by the way they organize conferences, award academic leadership, and interact with their individual members.

Experiencing these traditions and cultures across affiliates’ biotopes and boundaries can challenge routines, inspire us to think out of the box and foster mutual learning.

To strengthen the AILA family, the AILA International Committee encourages national affiliates to collaborate in tandems of, for example, an established and a recently set up affiliate.

Forms of collaboration include close collaboration of (parts of) the Executive Committees, but also partnerships for, e.g., joint conferences, conference strands, and workshops.


AILA Tandem News

AILA Tandem Initiative: Growing the ASEAN Network of Applied Linguistics

The MAAL-SAAL-TAAL initiative aims to intensify networking and collaboration between the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL), the Singapore Association…

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AILA Tandem Initiative IRAAL–SAALinBiH: Launching Joint Webinars

The IRAAL-SAALinBiH tandem initiative aims to promote and foster links and collaboration between linguists, applied linguists, and educational practitioners in…

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Launching the AILA Affiliates Tandem Initiative

AILA national affiliates embody traditions and represent cultures of doing, promoting, and supporting research and teaching, for example by the…

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