ReCAL – Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics

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ReCAL – Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics  





International Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics – AILA 17 - 21 July 2023 in Lyon (France), conducted in hybrid mode.

Congress theme: “Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: towards a more engaged applied linguistics”.

Title of proposed ReCAL symposium

Diversity and inclusion in teacher development and pedagogic practices in culturally different educational systems.

Disciplinary domain

Language studies – Educational linguistics – Teacher development – Critical and inclusive pedagogies.


Teacher development|Teaching practices| Multimodality | Diversity | Inclusion.

Symposium coordinators

Paola Gamboa
Docteure en didactique des langues et des cultures
Attachée temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche
Département de français langue étrangère
Laboratoire DILTEC - Didactique des Langues, des Textes et des Cultures.
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Claire Kramsch
Emerita Professor of  German and Affiliate Professor of Education
University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA.


This symposium follows up on a ReCAL symposium conducted at the 2021 AILA Congress in Groningen on the topic « The dynamics of language, communication and culture in applied linguistic research in Latin America ». That symposium led to an exploration of colonial and postcolonial epistemologies and decolonizing practices in language education in Argentina, Brazil, and Columbia as well as in various countries such as France, Canada and the U.S. where Latin American educators are engaged in language educational research.  The participants in the 2021 symposium were keen on exploring the conscious or unconscious reproduction of social inequalities and injustices occasioned through the educational process itself and to find ways of reflecting on the positionalities (Mignolo & Walsh 2018) from which to conceptualize the problems and devise solutions.

In the French context, the notion of inclusion has been promoted by the Ministry of Education in its 2012 memorandum, but it has been presented as « a social, administrative and legal procedure, which limits its impact to the access of underprivileged students to regular classes, and does not necessarily imply a change in pedagogic practices in those classes » (Mendoca Dias et al. 2020 :133). And yet the pre-service training of teachers in charge of recently arrived non-French speaking students would require a change of teaching paradigm, one better suited to the diversity-and- inclusion mandate of educational institutions.

The proposed symposium will address two main research questions :

Which pedagogic initiatives – at once interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and interpersonal – can be developed to promote the diversity and inclusion of minority students, and the inclusiveness of teaching  paradigms and language practices in social and educational settings ?

What programs can be put in place in the pre- and in-service training of teachers to ensure that they foster diversity and inclusion in their pedagogic practices ?

In order to respond to these questions, this symposium will report on the results of empirical research conducted by various researchers, language learners and teachers-in-training from different countries with different educational systems, in which societal heterogeneity is no longer an exception but the norm.


Auger, N. (2007). Enseignement des langues d'origine et apprentissage du français : vers une pédagogie de l'inclusion. Le français aujourd'hui, 158, 76-83.

Auger, N. (2019). Les mobilités: quels enjeux pour la didactique des langues et des cultures?. Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures. Les cahiers de l'Acedle, (16-2).

Boutang, Y. M., & Vidal, J. (2007). De la colonialidad del poder al Imperio y viceversa. Nómadas (Col), (26), 8-17.

Gamboa Diaz, P. A. (2019). Second and Foreign Language Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Development to Make Intercultural Dimensions Explicit. Reflecting Through a Comparative Proposal Between France and Colombia. Voces y silencios. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación10(1), 199-230.

Gamboa Diaz, P. A., Molinié, M., Tejada Sanchez, M.I., & Truscott de Mejia, A-M. (2019) (DIR.). Comprendre les dimensions interculturelles au quotidien. [MOOC]. Diffusé par COURSERA, l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 et l’Université de Los Andes.

Guichon, N. & Cohen, C. (2016). Multimodality and CALL. In Farr, F et Murray, L. (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. London: Routledge. pp. 509-521.

López-Gopar, M. E., & Sughrua, W. (2014). Social class in English language education in Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Language, Identity & Education13(2), 104-110.

Mendonça Dias, C., Azaoui, B. & Chnane-Davin, F. (Dir.). (2020). Allophonie. Inclusion et langues des enfants migrants à l’école. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas.

Mignolo, W. D., & Walsh, C. E. (2018). On decoloniality. Duke University Press.

Singh, J. N. (2021). Commentary: Epistemological Positionalities. Applied Linguistics42(6), 1168-1175.

Vergara Figueroa, A., Velásquez Prestán, M.E., & Escobar García, N. (2018). Engaged ethnography in contexts of armed conflict: lessons from Bellavista -Bojayá -Chocó and Bahía Málaga -Valle del Cauca -Colombia. Anthropologica36(41), 59-92.

Vergara-Figueroa, Aurora. Afrodescendant Resistance to Deracination in Colombia: Massacre at Bellavista-Bojayá-Chocó. Springer, 2017.

Potential participants

  1. Harold CASTAÑEDA PEÑA - Colombia
  2. Lane IGOUDIN - USA
  3. Nara HIROKO TAKAKI – Brazil.
  4. Paola GAMBOA – France.
  5. Mario LOPEZ GOPAR – Mexico.
  6. Yecid ORTEGA – Canada.
  7. Beatriz PEÑA DIX - Colombia
  8. Gabriela TAVELA - Argentina
  9. Irene HEIDT – Germany.
  10. Jérôme MBIATONG – France.