Learner Autonomy
- Christine Nicolaides christine.nicolaides@gmail.com
- Christine O'Leary C.T.OLeary@shu.ac.uk
The scope of the ReN
The focus of this research network is learner autonomy in foreign/second language learning and teaching. It includes a variety of sub-topics such as:
- foreign/second language learning and teaching
- learner development
- learner identity and agency
- self-access and advising
- learning beyond the classroom
- e-learning
- teacher autonomy
The main purposes of this ReN are to serve as a network forum for researchers in the field across the globe, gather and disseminate information on research, and keep members abreast of events and publications.
We have been a ReN since 2005, and an AILA Scientific Commission before that since 1993. As of 31 October 2021 we have over 500 members from a vast number of countries in all continents. Please refer to the attached file for names and affiliations of those members.
Our last ReN symposia held on August 18th at the 2021 World Congress of Applied Linguistics organized by the University of Groningen in The Netherlands enabled us to meet new promising scholars who are doing exciting research in different parts of the worlds.
New members can join free of charge. They can simply email Vola Ambinintsoa Razafind at dvolaamb@buffalo.edu. The membership gives automatic access to our AUTO_L emailing list.
We have our own web site https://renautonomy.wordpress.com/, as well as a Facebook group: Learner Autonomy Research Network | Facebook, with 265 members. The website, the Facebook group and the AUTO_L mailing list are all avenues to facilitate communication amongst members. We engage members by sharing information, discussing research issues, and disseminating information on publications and events.
We support other learner autonomy related groups to publicize the events they organize. We are planning to extend this practice to local get-togethers, and international symposia and conferences.
At some meetings earlier this year we decided to widen the engagement of the members, by dispersing key responsibilities amongst them. This is expected to also enable collaboration opportunities.
We will publish a special issue featuring papers from our 2021 symposium at the AILA World Congress. This special issue will be published in June 2022, in the Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal (SiSAL).
We will resume the production and publication of an annual Newsletter.
A discussion forum around current research on learner autonomy and opportunity for collaboration is underway. It will be on Zoom and advertised through our website, FB site, and the ReNLA AUTO_L email list.