Call for Papers for Special Issue “Negotiating Gender and Sexualities in Asian language communities”
Decades of interdisciplinary work have indicated how Language, Gender and Sexualities are co-constructed. This intersection constitutes a highly interdisciplinary field, thus drawing on a variety of pertinent fields, such as Sociolinguistics, Cultural and Political Anthropology, Discourse Analysis, Feminism, Critical Theory, and Media studies, to name a few. Currently, research on Language, Gender and Sexualities acknowledges the junctures among these fields, focusing on the complexities and hybridities that may emerge from their interactions. This dynamic has influenced academic work, and more broadly larger society, the professional sector, and politics.
However, diverse linguistic and discursive practices of gender and sexualities have been under unequal scrutiny, with most work concerning English or Romance languages. It is therefore necessary to bring analysis on the co-construction of Gender, Sexualities and Language to a larger variety of social contexts. Focusing on Asian language communities allows scholarship not only to enrich the knowledge of Gender and Sexualities, but also to discuss how systems, assignations and identities intertwine in various political, historical, social and cultural contexts. Asian linguistic and discursive landscapes offer a unique vantage point from which to view this intertwinement, and to develop new models of gender and sexuality which lie beyond our current knowledge.
To encourage further exploration of links between these fields, and of these fields in Asian society, we are seeking proposals for contributions for a special issue.
Call for papers
We invite proposals for papers for a Special Issue themed “Negotiating Gender and Sexualities in Asian Language Communities.” The Special Issue will be published in a highly tiered journal publication, positioning these fields within the context of Asian Society, conceived broadly. We welcome empirical research studies, as well as theoretical and methodological articles. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- The role of sexuality and sexualities in Asian social communities
- Queer identities in Asia and the negotiating of these personas
- Asian Masculiniites, Asian Feminities
- Asian Heterosexualities
- Racism, Gender and Sexuality
- Transnational representations of gender and sexualities
- Insults, Disgrace, Praise
- The changing role of women and men in Asian societies vis-a-vis western society
- Asian professional / socio-economic contexts and linguistic performance
- Gender and Sexualities in Asian Social Movements and Mobilisations
- Critical and theoretical perspectives on language in Asian communities, through a gender and sexuality framework
- Embodied approaches to Language, Gender, and sexuality, in Asian communities
Proposal Format & Submission
Submit a half-page abstract, of approximately 500 words + references, for a proposed article to the following:
Special Issue Editor
Professor Julie Abbou, and/or
Include your full contact information and a draft title. For empirical studies, the abstract should introduce the topic and methodology, the data to be analyzed, and a summary of the results. Abstracts for theoretical and methodological articles should introduce the theme, and the structure of the article. All abstracts must precisely state and focus on the works and debates of their (sub)fields. Upon acceptance, all necessary style information will be forwarded to authors.
Peer Review
All manuscripts will undergo double-blind peer review following the journal’s standard process.
Important Dates
Deadline for proposals: November 10th, 2019
Invitations to submit a manuscript: December 1, 2019
Initial manuscripts due: February 1, 2020
Notification of review outcome: March 1, 2020
Final manuscripts due: September 1, 2020
Special issue publication Spring 2021