BDME TIP: Web Platform for Lexicon Morphogenetic Analysis

We would like to inform you of the publication on the Internet of the tool BDME TIP Plataforma web para el estudio morfogenético del léxico (

BDME TIP is a visualization tool that makes it possible to represent, either as graphs –—similar to tree diagrams– or in linear form—, the word families and subfamilies of Spanish. The application uses the visual representation component of morpho-etymological information stored in the Base de datos morfológica del español (Morphological database of Spanish) (BDME). By showing the family relations in the form of a genealogical tree, the aim is to overcome the disadvantage of printed works, where the ordering of word families is conditioned by their linear structure.

The BDME was designed and organized by Jesus Pena (USC) in the mid 1980s. It underwent reforms, enlargement and corrections between 2009 and 2016, with two objectives: a) to provide support for the Nuevo diccionario histórico del español (New historical dictionary of Spanish) (NDHE) of the RAE in terms of its morphological and genetic configuration; b) to provide experts in morphology and the lexicon with more accurate information on derivative relationships and word families.

Due to the linking of BDME with NDHE, directed by José Antonio Pascual, the Spanish Royal Academy has signed a collaboration agreement (RAE-USC-ULPG, 2017/2020). Representing the USC, the linguistic component is coordinated by Jesús Pena and María José Rodríguez Espiñeira; representing the División of Computational Linguistics of IATEXT, the IT component is coordinated by Francisco Javier Carreras Riudavets.