2nd Metadiscourse Across Genres Conference (MAG2019)


Metadiscourse in Digital Communication: What has changed?

June 27-29, 2019

University of Bergamo, Italy



We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Metadiscourse Across Genres Conference (MAG2019) will be hosted by CERLIS, the research centre on specialized discourse operating at the University of Bergamo, between 27-29 June 2019 with the participation of

  • Annelie Adel (Dalarna University, Sweden),
  • Maria Kuteeva (Stockholm University, Sweden),
  • Anna Mauranen (University of Helsinki, Finland),
  • Carmen Sancho Guinda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain).

This international conference aims to disseminate current research work on Metadiscourse and related areas in line with various qualitative and quantitative approaches with special focuses on Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Genre Analysis.

Title: Metadiscourse in Digital Communication: What has changed?

The advent of digital and social media has deeply transformed academic and non-academic communication practices in the past two decades. Along with the linguistic practices in which people engage and the nature of the social networks they construct, there is a strong and growing interest in how people create meaning not just through language, but through a range of digital resources. In fact, the communicative immediacy of digital media and the spectrum of genres/hybridized forms now available has inevitably influenced the way we communicate and the way we create meaning-making in a multimodal environment. Underpinning this innovative work is current research work on Metadiscourse and the development of new research methodologies, including visual research methods and combinations of qualitative and quantitative approaches with special focuses on Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, and Genre Analysis. Given the growing interest in digital language research, this international conference thus investigates the change that digital communication has meant to communication environments - and what research methods and approaches are needed to capture that change.


Conference themes

Abstracts and presentations should reflect at least one of the following:

  • Metadiscourse analysis of digital academic and non-academic interpersonal interactions
  • New approaches, research methods to Metadiscourse digital language research across genres, disciplines and languages
  • Metadiscourse and multimedia / multimodal communication
  • Synchronic / Diachronic perspectives on Metadiscourse in Digital Communication


Please send your abstract (300 words) to MAG2019@unibg.it


Deadlines to remember

  • Submission of abstracts: 10th January 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: 31st January 2019


We kindly invite you to join us on FACEBOOK and LINKEDIN..

Please visit our conference website: www.metadiscourseacrossgenres.com

Information on the venue, registration, hotels and social activities can be found on the conference website at www.unibg.it/MAG2019