IRAAL Annual conference
Applied Linguistics and Language Strategies: Practices and Policies
November 24, 2018
Dublin City University, Republic of Ireland
The Irish Association of Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) annual conference brings together researchers in all areas of applied linguistics, working in Ireland or internationally.
The theme of this year’s conference is Applied Linguistics and Language Strategies: Practices and Policies. The keynote speaker is Dr Peppi Taalas of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
With the publication of Ireland’s long awaited language strategy Languages Connect in December 2017, the Irish government has put forward an action plan for languages other than Irish or English in education, thereby formally recognising them as integral to the economic, social and cultural development of Ireland. In light of this development, as well as international politicized discourses of language learning, this year’s theme reflects upon a new era in language learning and use, and the policies and practices implicated.
Topics may include, but are not limited to, first and second language acquisition; second and foreign language learning; bilingualism, multilingualism and translanguaging; language strategy and language policy; language, politics, and political discourse; language and (new) media; language, gender and sexuality; new speakers; language, identity and discourse; translation and language acquisition/learning; e-learning; and, language and technology.
Submissions from postgraduate students and early career researchers are particularly welcome.
The languages of the conference are English and Irish.
We invite submissions for three types of presentation:
- INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Oral presentations on original research by one or more authors within a 20-minute period with 10 minutes for questions.
- LIGHTNING TALKS: A 5-7 minute long talk (following a ‘TED-talk’ format) using a maximum of 3 slides. This format may be of interest to postgraduate students wishing to present their subject area without yet having gathered/analysed their data. It may also be of interest to language teachers and other practitioners wishing to present on teaching methods/practices and developments.
- POSTERS: Posters will be displayed during a dedicated poster session. Posters of standard A0 size should be submitted to the registration desk on the morning of the conference.
Key Dates
Call for Contributions:
Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words in either Irish or English including a title of no more than 15 words, via the abstract submission site by 5pm, on 15th July 2018.
Please indicate the presentation category (paper, lightning talk, or poster) in your submission.
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