Call for Papers: Joint AELFE-LSPPC Conference (28-30 June 2023) – Deadline for abstracts: January 15th, 2023

Trends and new directions

Joint AELFE-LSPPC Conference
28-30th June 2023, Zaragoza (Spain)


This joint AELFE-LSPPC Conference brings together the 21st annual conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE2023) and the 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC7). Both associations promote the use of languages for specific purposes and professional communication. The main  goal of this joint conference is to create a meeting point for scholars (researchers and practitioners) and allow them to discuss and exchange their views on the conference theme with participants from different world regions and do so from multi- and inter-disciplinary perspectives.

Conference description

In a networked era, we are witnessing rapidly changing, web-mediated communication practices involving a variety of communicative purposes, audiences, modes and media. Emerging trends in disciplinary knowledge communication such as the Open Science paradigm attest to this fact. Academic and professional communication today thus poses important theoretical, methodological and pedagogical challenges that need addressing. Some of the questions that we aim to address are: What is the role of LSP teaching and research in an increasingly interconnected world? What methods and frameworks are suitable to investigate multilingual and multimodal communication online? How can practitioners support emerging digital communication needs in the professions? How can they best prepare future graduates and professionals to disseminate their work in digital environments?, and how can LSP research and practice help them develop the necessary literacies (academic, plurilingual and digital literacies)?

Strands of research

We welcome submissions on all aspects of LSP communication in relation to the AELFE thematic panels, but contributions addressing the specific theme of the conference are particularly encouraged.

Specifically, we invite proposals in broader areas such as discourse and communication, genre analysis, genres and registers, genres and multimodality, translation studies, multilingualism, languaging and translanguaging, crosscultural and intercultural discourses, academic literacy development, acquisition of professional competence in the workplace, digital  literacies, technologies for education, quality assurance in LSP teaching/learning, pedagogies for professional development and LSP teacher professional development.

Other topics in LSP and Professional Communication are also welcome.

Plenary speakers

  • Christine B. Feak (University of Michigan, US)
  • Eric Friginal (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Laura M. Muresan (Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania)
  • Christine Tardy (Northern Arizona University, US)

Featured speakers

  • Vijay K. Bhatia (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • John M. Swales (University of Michigan, US)

Thematic panels

The conference also includes the following thematic panels featuring presentations on the same topic so that there is room for more focused discussion on the topic.

  • Digital science: Sustainable, transformative and transversal
  • Multimodality in professional communication
  • Publish or perish: insights from a high stakes journal (pending confirmation)

Submission of abstracts

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the scientific committee, and proposals related to the AELFE panels will be evaluated by the panel coordinators. This will be followed by a notification of acceptance or request for revision.

The required format for submissions is an abstract of 300 words (excluding references), preferably in Word format. For references please follow the APA Citation Style (7TH edition). Abstracts should include a brief outline of the research/project context and clearly indicate the objectives, method(s) and results. They should be written in the language in which the  presentation will be delivered.

Language policy: the conference languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Presentation Policy: given that the organising committee believes that conferences should provide opportunities for professional exchange, i.e., giving and receiving feedback, and meeting colleagues with similar interests, we encourage discussions following each paper presentation and also require that papers should be presented only by their authors. Non-author substitute presenters will not be allowed to present papers.

To aim at diversity, we accept only one paper presentation per author.

Scientific committee

William Feng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Helen Basturkmen (The University of Auckland)
Gu Yueguo (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Azirah Hashim (Universiti Malaya)
Kevin Knight (Kanda University of International Studies)
Sue Starfield (University of New South Wales)

Panel coordinators

AELFE panel coordinators: (in charge of assessing the proposals)
Pascual Pérez Paredes (University of Cambridge) – Corpus Linguistics
Purificación Sánchez Hernández (Universidad de Murcia) – Corpus Linguistics
Begoña Bellés Fortuño (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón) – Genre and Discourse
Ana Bocanegra Valle (Universidad de Cádiz) – Genre and Discourse
Araceli Losey León (Universidad de Cádiz) – Terminology
Elena Carpi (Università di Pisa) – Terminology
Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares) – Translation and Interpretation
Mª Mar Sánchez Ramos (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares) – Translation and Interpretation
Lourdes Pomposo Yanes (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) – Innovation and digital technologies in LSP
Cristina Calle Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) – Innovation and digital technologies in LSP
María Luisa Carrió Pastor (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) – Teaching methodologies and CLIL/EMI
Guzmán Mancho Barés (Universitat de Lleida) – Teaching methodologies and CLIL/EMI

Organising committee

Local organising committee:
Carmen Pérez-Llantada (University of Zaragoza)
María José Luzón (University of Zaragoza)
Ignacio Guillén-Galve (University of Zaragoza)
Oana Maria Carciu (University of Zaragoza)
Rosana Villares (University of Zaragoza)
Concepción Orna (University of Zaragoza)
Miguel A. Vela-Tafalla (University of Zaragoza)
M Ángeles Velilla (University of Zaragoza)
Sofía Albero (University of Zaragoza)
Alberto Vela (University of Zaragoza)
Ana Cristina Vivas (U of Zaragoza)
Alfonso Ollero (University of Zaragoza)

Christoph Hafner (City University of Hong Kong)
Becky Kwan (City University of Hong Kong)

Conference venue

Edificio Ibercaja Patio de la Infanta (Centro de Congresos)(, Zaragoza 50007, Spain

About Zaragoza

Zaragoza is a privileged location in Spain. It is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes by train from Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao. It is also just a 2-hour trip to the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, and approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes from the Pyrenees, an impressive mountain chain in the border between Spain and France (south Western Europe).

Conference registration

Early bird registration from January 15th until April 1st, 2023:
200 EUR (AELFE or LSPPC member)
230 EUR (non AELFE or LSPPC member)

Registration from April 2nd until June 15th, 2023:
230 EUR (AELFE or LSPPC member)
270 EUR (non AELFE or LSPPC member)

The same fees apply for both presenters and participants.

IMPORTANT: Payment should be made by bank transfer. Please clearly indicate the participant's name and add “AELFE-LSPPC 2023 Registration”.

Confirmation of bank transfer should be attached to the registration form. The AELFE-LSPPC 2023 organisers will not be responsible for tracking transfers deposited without appropriate identification.

Participants (and not the organisation) will be responsible for any bank transfer charges.

Bank details:

Bank Account number: 2085 0111 7903 3141 0703
Bank address: Pº Fernando el Católico, 35 - 50006 Zaragoza (Spain)
IBAN: ES12 2085 0111 7903 3141 0703
Beneficiary name: Universidad de Zaragoza
Beneficiary address: c/ Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

Please fill in the registration form. A scanned copy of the payment receipt must be sent to the organisers, to be uploaded on online registration form. Registration will only be complete once proof of payment has been provided.

If you require an invoice, please include your invoicing details in the registration form.

All participants must register in order to appear in the conference programme and to receive a certificate of participation.

Cancellation policy: No refunds will be possible if participants cancel their participation at the conference.

Attendance to pre-conference workshops (to be announced) sponsored by the Digital Genres and Open Science group at the University of Zaragoza, scheduled for 28th June (morning), will be free for all conference participants and attendants.

A conference dinner is also planned on 29th June (restaurant Teatro Principal, TBC). If you wish to attend dinner, you can indicate so in the registration form. Do not make payment for the dinner during registration.

Specific instructions will be given regarding the workshops and the dinner when closer to the conference dates.

Important dates

Deadline for abstracts: January 15th, 2023
Notification of acceptance: January 30th, 2023
Registration starts: January 30th, 2023
Deadline for early bird registration: March 30th, 2023
Registration ends: June 20th, 2023

Conference website:


For any inquiry, please contact the organisers at

Other sponsors

Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems

Digital genres and Open Science research group (GENCI research group) (project code PID2019-105655RB-I00 MCIN/AEI 10.13039/501100011033) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Agency for Research

University of Zaragoza, Vice-rectorate of Research