Innovations and Trends in Early Foreign Language Context

Guest Editor: Thomai Alexiou



It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit abstracts for papers to be included in our Special Issue of RPLTL ‘Innovations and Trends in Early Foreign Language Contexts’ ( RPLTL is an open access Journal and this edited volume will present an account of innovations and current trends in early foreign language teaching and learning and more specifically it will focus on the very early age groups of 3-9.

Early foreign language teaching and learning has been a hot issue in the last decades. Research data are rich and varied yet plenty of changes and perspectives are still emerging. This Special Issue will offer a review of the state-of-the-art teaching methods and approaches in the TEYL context and it will provide an account of the most updated innovations and trends that are now taking place worldwide. It is hoped that this volume will inspire practitioners and academics to follow research paths they have not taken before. Therefore, the issue will form a landmark in current pedagogy and early foreign language teaching and learning.



Due to numerous requests for an extension of the deadline for the call of abstracts for the RPLTL Special Issue 'Innovations and Trends in Early Foreign Language Context',  the new deadline is 30/7/2019. Please forward all abstracts to the Guest Editor, Dr. Thomai Alexiou, at