Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity (AMLI 2)
Practices, Ideologies and Policies now and then
September 19-21, 2019
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
AMLI 2 and 3rd InZentIM (Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and Migration Research, University of Duisburg-Essen) conference welcome submissions for individual papers and poster presentations from 3rd December 2018 until 31st December 2018. Scholars working on migration, language and identity in disciplines such as the humanities, education and social sciences, are invited to submit their proposals. Proposals for research papers could cover, but are not restricted to, the following theme panels and topic areas:
Convened Theme panels
- Language maintenance in family contexts: focussing on family language policy and educational policies (Katja F. Cantone & Patrick Wolf-Farré)
- Looking back at migration: time and space trajectories in the narratives of former migrants (Simona Leonardi, Carolina Flinz & Eva-Maria Thüne)
- Identity constructions in the face of media discourses (Martina Möllering & Eva Schmidt)
- Multilingualism as resource and Multilingual policies, methods and practices in teacher training (Galina Putjata)
- Doing language ideologies in research (Andrea Bogner & Daniel Rellstab)
Further Theme panels
- The role of language in migrants’ belonging and emotional attachment to the host country
- Similarities and differences in situations of cultural crossover between historical, contemporary and future immigrant groups
- Historical changes in intergenerational language maintenance and language shift in migration contexts
- The effect of migration to small cities and rural communities on language practices, linguistic integration and the ways migrants engage with each other and members of the host communities
- Influences of ideologies of homogeneity and monolingualism on language policies
- The use of digital media and technologies (websites, mobile apps, social media networks, mobile telephones) for the communicative networking of migrants (familial, social, religious and political)
- Harnessing the multilingual competences of migrants for the labour market
- Tools and methods for analyzing language practices of multilinguals and narratives of identity (diaspora-oriented, ethnic-oriented, origin-oriented and transculture-oriented)
Proposals for papers should be anonymous and include: 1. Research question, 2. References to related research, 3. Research methodology, 4. (Expected) results. Abstracts should not exceed 400 words, including title and references. Please use this template for your abstract.
The online submission of abstracts for the conference will be available via ConfTool by December 3, 2018.
Go to to find more detailed instructions and submit your abstract.
The deadline for submitting abstracts for papers is Dec. 31st, 2018. Authors of individual papers and posters will receive a notification of acceptance on 31st January 2019.
Confirmed plenary speakers are
- Piet van Avermaet, Ghent
- Merel Keijzer, Groningen
- Elizabeth Lanza, Oslo
- Andreas Niederberger, Duisburg-Essen
The organizers,
Evelyn Ziegler
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Patricia Ronan
Technische Universität Dortmund