ALA 2024: Language Awareness, Education & Power | July 7–10, 2024
ALA 2024: Language Awareness, Education & Power
The 17th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness will take place in 2024 as the 30th Anniversary Congress from 7 July to 10 July 2024 at Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany (#alaconference2024).
- Language Awareness in Language Education,
- Teaching and Learning Language Awareness and Global Citizenship: Language Awareness in Political Institutions and Democratic Decision-Making Processes,
- Language Awareness and the Media: Language Awareness in the Digital World,
- Language Awareness and the Workplace: Language Awareness in Business, Marketing and Health Care,
- Language Awareness, Media, and Artificial Intelligence,
- Critical Language Awareness and Language Awareness and Decoloniality
We expect stimulating presentations and engaged on-site discussions by scholars and attendees from around the world. During the pandemic, we were able to offer high-standard digital ALA conferences in 2020 and in 2022. We are, however, very happy that we can now fully return to a face-to-face conference which will facilitate networking and team building. A special focus will also be put on building a network between early-career researchers and connecting them with more advanced scholars.