ALA 2024: Language Awareness, Education & Power | July 7–10, 2024

ALA 2024: Language Awareness, Education & Power

The 17th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness will take place in 2024 as the 30th Anniversary Congress from 7 July to 10 July 2024 at Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany (#alaconference2024).



Due to the inherent multilingual and multicultural nature of many classrooms around the world in very often monolingual and monocultural settings and contexts, the role of which language to use, to teach and to learn has re-gained new and important relevance. This issue is directly related to the issue of power and ideology. It is therefore time to have a closer look at the intricate interplay of factors contributing to the relationship of language, education, and power and to discuss these issues in depth.
The ALA 2024 conference will offer symposia, workshops, roundtables, paper presentations, and poster presentations and accept proposals related to Language, Education, and Power in the following areas:

  • Language Awareness in Language Education,
  • Teaching and Learning Language Awareness and Global Citizenship: Language Awareness in Political Institutions and Democratic Decision-Making Processes,
  • Language Awareness and the Media: Language Awareness in the Digital World,
  • Language Awareness and the Workplace: Language Awareness in Business, Marketing and Health Care,
  • Language Awareness, Media, and Artificial Intelligence,
  • Critical Language Awareness and Language Awareness and Decoloniality

We expect stimulating presentations and engaged on-site discussions by scholars and attendees from around the world. During the pandemic, we were able to offer high-standard digital ALA conferences in 2020 and in 2022. We are, however, very happy that we can now fully return to a face-to-face conference which will facilitate networking and team building. A special focus will also be put on building a network between early-career researchers and connecting them with more advanced scholars.