ICOP-L2 Barcelona 2022

Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2) conferences aim to bring together researchers sharing a socially situated view of language use and development and how people engage in second language interaction. We invite researchers, young and senior, who draw on the principles of ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, membership categorization analysis, usage-based linguistics and related approaches to present their investigation on how users of L2s engage in sense-making practices, and how they learn and teach in interaction. What are the basic ingredients of L2 interactional competence? How does such competence vary across situations and over time? How do L2 speakers use the linguistic resources attheir disposal to accomplish social actions in coordination with others? How do linguistic and other resources (such as gaze, gesture, posture, and the material world) work together in L2 talk? How does social interaction structure learning processes and learning products? How can L2 interactional competence and learning through interaction be addressed in educational contexts as well as in ‘the wild’?

These are the main strands of the conference, but we are open to other contributions that cover interactional competences and L2 practices.

  • Plurilingual interactional competence
  • Interaction and learning in the wild
  • Learning/teaching in plurilingual interaction
  • Plurilingual interactional competence mediated through technology
  • Learning-in-interaction
  • L2 interactional competence
  • Assessment of interactional competence


Keynote speakers

Tom Koole, Groningen University, Netherlands
Tim Greer, Kobe University, Japan
Niina Lilja, Tampere University, Finland


Pre-conference workshops (7 September 2022)

Three pre-conference workshops, addressed specifically (but not exclusively) to young researchers, provide hands-on training on methodological aspects of the analysis of L2 competences and practices in naturally-occurring data. Registration will be on a first-come- first-served basis.

Dr. Spencer Hazel, Newcastle University. Working with multimodal interactional data
Dr. Daniel Lam, Glasgow University. Testing interactional competence
GREIP research centre members. (Plurilingual) interaction in informal learning environments


Submission Guidelines

Individual papers

Paper presentations will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes, including questions. The maximum length of the abstracts for individual paper proposals (for one or more authors) should be 300 words, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly describe the methodology, context, the kinds of data used, and analytic findings.

Panel proposals (colloquia)

Limited places will be allocated to panels (colloquia), which are centred around a theme related to the conference. A colloquium proposal should include an abstract (500 words max), introducing the theme and each contribution briefly. Each individual presentation (up to 5-6 presentations) should be added to the same submission document in the proposed order of presentation. The organizer(s) can invite a discussant to the session, and they are responsible from managing time allocated to each session and to the discussion time.


There will be time slots dedicated to poster presentations. The maximum length of the abstracts for posters should be 300 words, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly describe the methodology, context, the kinds of data used, and analytic findings.

Deadline for submissions is 31 January 2022 28 March 2022. Submissions should be made through the conference website (see below).


Important dates

Submission opening: 15 August 2021
Submission deadline: 31 January 2022 28 March 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 2022 - May 2022
Registration closes: 1 September 2022
Pre-conference workshops: 8 September 2022
Conference: 8-10 September 2022


For abstract submission, registration and further information please refer to the ICOP-L2 website: https://tefluab.wixsite.com/icop-l2-2022