Cancelled: 2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
We regret to inform you that as of this morning, Monday, March 9th, the AAAL Denver 2020 conference has been canceled due to concerns about COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
View more information at the link below.
March 28 - 31, 2020
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
The 2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) will be held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colorado. Nationally and internationally, the AAAL conference has a reputation as a comprehensive and stimulating conference. Conference participants can look forward to in-depth colloquia, paper, poster, and round-table sessions, as well as topical and thought-provoking plenary presentations, excellent book exhibits, and plentiful opportunities for networking.
Plenary Speaker and Invited Colloquia Information
We have created an exciting program for the 2020 conference, reflecting the wide range of research interests in applied linguistics. Check out the plenary speakers and invited colloquia below:
Plenary Speakers
Mileidis Gort, University of Colorado Boulder
"Biliterate writing development in early childhood: Insights from young Latinx bilingual children’s explorations of oral and written language"
Alison Mackey, Georgetown University
"Cognitive-Interactionist SLA: Findings, new methods, and the big picture"
Onowa McIver, University of Victoria
“Indigenous language revitalization and applied linguistics: Paralleled histories, shared futures? What can we learn from each other?"
Suhanthie Motha, University of Washington
"Is an antiracist and decolonizing applied linguistics possible? Connecting the past to the future"
Deb Roy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Local Voices Network: bringing under-heard community voices, perspectives and stories forward for healthier public dialogue"
Invited Colloquia
"Re-articulations of language, race, and place in transregional settler colonialism"
Organizer: Patricia Baquedano-López, University of California, Berkeley
"Neuroscience of second language acquisition: Opportunities and challenges"
Organizers: Hyeonjeong Jeong, Tohoku University and Ping Li, Pennsylvania State University
"Learning languages with specific learning difficulties in the 21st century: Perspectives of identification, assessment, achievement and teacher education"
Organizer: Judit Kormos, Lancaster University
"Advances in the study of semiotic repertoires: mobilities, modalities, spatialities"
Organizer: Annelies Kusters, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
"Reflect, revisit, reimagine: Conversations on 40 years of ARAL"
Organizers: Meg Malone, Georgetown University and Shondel Nero, New York University
"Braided histories – braided futures of Indigenous language reclamation work: Retelling ancestral stories – storying new Indigenous linguistic futures"
Organizers: Sheilah E. Nicholas, University of Arizona and Kari A.B. Chew, University of Victoria
"Degrees of difficulty to learn an additional language: the role of typological distinctions and linguistic distances between the languages involved"
Organizers: Job Schepens, Freie University; Frans van der Slik, Radboud University; and R. van Hout, Radboud University
"Construct validity in interpreter testing" (Joint Colloquium with ILTA)
Organizer: Dr. Helen Slatyer from the Translation and Interpretation Program at Macquarie University in Sydney
Proposals are welcome in the following topic strands:
- Analysis of Discourse and Interaction (DIS)
- Assessment and Evaluation (ASE)
- Bilingual, Immersion, Heritage, and Minority Education (BIH)
- Corpus Linguistics (COR)
- Educational Linguistics (EDU)
- Language Cognition and Brain Research (COG)
- Language and Ideology (LID)
- Language and Technology (TEC)
- Language Maintenance and Revitalization (LMR)
- Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
- Language, Culture, Socialization and Pragmatics (LCS)
- Phonology/Phonetics and Oral Communication (POC)
- Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL)
- Research Methodology (REM)
- Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED)
- Second Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition, and Attrition (SLA)
- Sociolinguistics (SOC)
- Teacher Education, Beliefs, and Identities (TED)
- Text Analysis (Written Discourse) (TXT)
- Translation, Interpretation and Language Access (TRI)
- Vocabulary and Lexical Studies (VOC)
New this year: You must select a primary strand for your submission. This is the strand in which your submission will very likely be reviewed and grouped. If applicable, please choose a secondary strand that also characterizes the submission. This will help conference organizers in preparing the conference program and in some instances, balancing size and coherence of strands. You must choose a primary strand; selection of a secondary strand is optional (but recommended).
Proposals are invited for individual papers, colloquia, posters, and roundtable discussions. The deadline for proposal submission is 4:00 p.m. on July 17, 2019 (EDT; UTC-4). If you need to renew your membership or create a guest account, you should do so at least 3 hours before the submissions deadline to allow for changes to take place in the system. Requests relating to membership or guest accounts later than this may mean that you are unable to submit your abstract by the deadline.
For more information, please visit