AILA World Congress 2021: Latest News
August 15–21, 2021
University of Groningen, Netherlands
AILA2021 now has almost 2000 registered participants. The conference will be online only. The scientific program has more than 200 thematic symposia, in which participants can interact during the talks and in the breaks. There is also a strong social programme, including a Pub Quiz. And every disadvantage has an advantage: all symposia can be accessed and viewed later again. Moreover, for non-presenting members of AILA national affiliates only, there are day tickets available. Take advantage of this bargain offer via the AILA App:
Dryfta is the platform we will be using. In the next few weeks, we will upload all your abstracts to this system, and we will discuss with the symposia organizers how they want to program the symposium. By June 10th, we will share more information regarding how to access and navigate the online platform and you can make changes to your title or abstract if needed and upload your presentation. The deadline for these changes will be July 10th.
Over 500 participants have already registered! If you have not done so yet, please register here:
Keynote speakers
During the AILA 2021 conference we are proud to present the keynote speakers. An overview of the keynote speakers can be found here:
- March 15th: Deadline registration presenters and early birds
- April 1st: Information on hybrid or fully virtual conference
- June 12: Information on online event platform
- July 22: Deadline to update abstract and upload presentation video