Research Network for Learner Autonomy

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Research Network for Learner Autonomy


  • Christine O’Leary, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, British Association of Applied Linguistics
  • TBC


The focus of this research network is learner autonomy in foreign/second language learning and teaching. It includes a variety of sub-topics such as:

  1.     foreign/second language learning and teaching
  2.     learner development
  3.     learner identity and agency
  4.     self-access and advising
  5.     learning beyond the classroom
  6.     e-learning
  7.     teacher autonomy
  8.     Learner autonomy in the age of AI

The main purposes of this ReN are to serve as a network forum for researchers and researcher-practitioners in the field across the globe, gather and disseminate information on research, and keep members abreast of events and publications.


We have been a ReN since 2005, and an AILA Scientific Commission before that since 1993. We have around 500 members from a vast number of countries in all continents.

Our last ReN symposium held during the World Congress of Applied Linguistics in August 2024 enabled us to meet new promising scholars who are doing exciting research in different parts of the worlds.

New members can join free of charge. They can simply email the REN Convenors with their details, research and interest in the Network. The membership gives automatic access to our AUTO_L emailing list.

We have a Facebook group: AILA ReNLA Facebook, with 265 members, and our own website The website, the Facebook group and the AUTO_L mailing list are all avenues to facilitate communication amongst members. We engage members by sharing information, discussing research issues, and disseminating information on publications and events.

We support other learner autonomy related groups to publicize the events they organize. 

We also produce regular Newsletter with information on publications, symposia and webinars based on the REN and REN members activities

 Highlight of 3 scientific ReN works during the previous period:

  • O’Leary, C. & Nicolaides, C. (2024) (Eds). Special Edition of the International Journal of Studies in Self-Access Learning (SISAL) 15 (1): Inclusive Pedagogies for Language Learner Autonomy. March 2024 | SiSAL Journal
  • O’Leary, C. & Nicolaides, C. (2024). Developing learner autonomy for an inclusive and multilingual world. 23rd International Congress for the International Association of Applied Linguistics. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 11-16 August.
  • O’Leary C. & Nicolaides, C. (2023). Inclusive Pedagogies for Learner Autonomy. Hybrid  Symposium. 22nd International Congress for the International Association of Applied Linguistics. Lyon (France), University of Lyon, July 17th-21st

Some of our members: 

  • Prof Terry Lamb, University of Westminster, UK
  • Prof Jo Maynard, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
  • Dr Vola Dominique, University of Buffalo, USA
  • Dr Ana Ines Salvi, University of East Anglia, UK
  • Dr Kerstin Dofs, Ara Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Dr Christine O’Leary, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
  • Dr Diego Mideros, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
  • Prof Andy Gao, University Of New South Wales, Australia

Please see full list for more details.