Research & Educational Cultures in Applied Linguistics
- Paola GAMBOA, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, AFLA
Scope (400 words):
The scope of this AILA Research Network RECAL - Research & Educational Cultures in Applied Linguistics, is to examine the cultural, political, epistemological and methodological diversity of applied linguistics research in various countries; as well as the diversity of institutional conditions in which the research is conducted.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach (applied linguistics, educational sciences, sociology), research in this ReN focuses on:
- Scientific culture. In order to know, how theories from Global North and Global South countries have been received, interpreted and put into practice in different countries with different intellectual, scientific and educational traditions.
- Educational culture. Education systems, history and heritage. Coloniality and decolonial perspectives.
- Editorial culture. To determine the opportunities and constraints of publishing in English. In particular, how to publish in English without losing the conceptual, epistemological and pedagogical specificity of a research often conceived in a language different from English.
- Didactic and pedagogical cultures. To find out, what are the socio-political bases, realities and constraints in language teaching and learning (bilingualism / multilingualism / plurilingualism) in different education systems.
- Pre-service and In-service teacher’s development. To understand the difficulties researchers and teachers have to face in order to adapt diversity policies into inclusive practices, but also to what extent they have been trained to reflect on identifying problems of diversity and inclusion.
This REN wants to feature both research and educational projects showing the challenges to overcome in:
- analyzing, understanding and questioning the colonial heritage, the systemic coloniality and the decolonial needs.
- adopting transnational (such UNESCO) and national (specific to a country) policies and guidelines to implement diversity and inclusion.
- promoting language value (equality and equity), maintenance or revitalization.
- implementing appropriate working conditions for researchers and teachers in order to meet the learners’ needs.
This REN welcomes projects describing the challenges mentioned above, but also the designing of educational solutions representative of social challenges, connecting classrooms with life experiences and recognizing the experiences and abilities of every student, in particular, those historically marginalized.
Epistemological, research and educational cultures | Diversity & Inclusion | Teacher’s development, practices and social impact | Critical intercultural dimensions | Decolonial perspectives | Education policies.
If your research and teaching interests meet those of our network, do not hesitate to contact us in order to join us.
Highlight of 3 scientific ReN works during the previous period:
Groningen. Netherlands, August, 2021. The dynamics of language, communication and culture in applied linguistic research in Latin America. Participants: English researchers and teachers in various Latin American countries. Objectif: To respond to changes due to globalization: inequalities and social justice; epistemological and ideological sequels of colonialism; deconstruction and postmodern theories concerning the language-identity-culture relationship; and the didactic foundations of language teaching. Coordinators: Claire KRAMSCH, Harold CASTAÑEDA PENA & Paola GAMBOA.
- 2023: FROM INVITED SYMPOSIUM TO REN RECAL - AILA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2023. Lyon. France, July, 2023. The invited symposium became a research Network. Diversity and inclusion in teacher’s development and pedagogic practices in culturally different educational systems. Objectif: To move towards a more committed applied linguistics. Coordinators: Claire KRAMSCH & Paola GAMBOA.
As organizers of the 2021 ReCAL symposium Claire KRAMSCH (Emerita Professor at Berkeley University), Harold CASTEÑEDA (PhD Professor at Universidad Distritital Francisco José de Caldas) and Paola GAMBOA (PhD Lecturer at Sorbonne Nouvelle University) have decided to coordinate a volume on the decolonization of research in applied linguistics in Latin America. In this volume, researchers from Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and the United States of America, were invited to report on their work, adopting as much as possible a reflexive stance, but also to offer a critical analysis of their efforts to decolonize their research projects. In particular, they would analyze, using Spanish or Portuguese and English, their own locus of enunciation / lugar de enunciación / lugar de fala.
Castañeda-Peña, H., Gamboa, P., & Kramsch, C. (Eds.). (2023). Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Research in Latin America: Moving to a Multilingual Mindset (1st ed.). Routledge.
In the frame of the 5th Congreso Paraguayo de Lingüística Aplicada (CONPLA) preparation, Claire KRAMSCH, Kyria FINARDI and Paola GAMBOA were invited to held a conference on the edited volume Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Research in Latin America: Moving to a Multilingual Mindset. The invitation was made by Professor Valentina CANESE. Directora del Instituto Superior de Lenguas. Universidad Nacional de Asunción.
Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia, August, 2024. Hybrid symposium. Diversity and inclusion: from transnational and national policies to classroom realities, constraints and implementations. Objectif: To understand what is meant by diversity and inclusion (clearly identified typologies and the adoption of anticipatory and accurate responses). Coordinators: Claire KRAMSCH & Paola GAMBOA.
Some members:
- Maure AGUIRRE ORTEGA. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
- Paula Tatianne CARRERA SZUNDY. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- Harold CASTAÑEDA PEÑA. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Colombia
- Erica COACHMAN. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- Fotini DIAMANTIDAKI. University College London. United Kingdom
- Haley DE KORNE. University of Oslo. Norway
- Carina FERNANDEZ. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina
- Jorge FROZZINI. Université de Québec à Chicoutimi. Canada
- Carmen Helena GUERRERO NIETO. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia
- Irene HEIDT. Universität Potsdam. Germany
- Lane IGOUDIN. Los Angeles City College. United States of America
- Tiechneg LI. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
- Mario LÓPEZ GOPAR. Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Mexico
- Yecid ORTEGA. Queen's University Belfast. United Kingdom
- Janeth ORTIZ. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
- Beatriz PEÑA DIX. Universidad de los Andes. Colombia
- Nara TAKAKI. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Brazil
- Gabriela TAVELA. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina
- Rogerio TILIO. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- Diego UBAQUE CASALLAS. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia