Educating the Global Citizen: International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age
March 25-28, 2019
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Scope of the conference
In times of rapid and unprecedented global sociocultural change, urgent calls are being made for salient educational responses to current global and digital challenges. Such calls are being met in (re)formulations of global (citizenship) education, sustainability education, and service learning, which endeavor to promote a democratic and human rights culture in schools and the larger community.
Foreign language education is increasingly responding to these developments by updating and transforming FL pedagogies. In support of this nascent trajectory, this conference will engage with the epistemological and critical foundations of educating future global citizens across varied contexts. Accordingly, our aim is to explore citizenship and sustainability education from a wide range of perspectives, also interdisciplinary in scope, as regards developing theories, research and practice in FL education. We are additionally interested in how global education performs on a local level as well as in increasingly interconnected environments, and how digital settings, practices and methodologies are consequently implicated.
In light of these trajectories, we welcome contributions that discuss, (re)negotiate and reflect on global (citizenship) education in theory and practice from an international perspective.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers (in alphabetical order)
- Michael Byram, Durham University, UK & Université de Luxembourg, Luxemburg
- William Gaudelli, Columbia University, USA
- Glynda Hull, University of Berkeley, USA
- Liz Jackson, University of Hong Kong, China
- Claire Kramsch, University of Berkeley, USA
- Greg Misiaszek, Beijing Normal University, China
- Hugh Starkey, University College London, England
Call for Papers
We welcome abstracts related to theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical sub-themes, regarding the concept of the Global Citizen in foreign language education in the digital age including, but not limited to:
- Global education and transcultural learning in foreign language education,
- Education for human rights and democratic citizenship in foreign language education (including critical citizenship education),
- Ecopedagogy, sustainability education, critical environmental teaching,
- Literature and films in global citizenship and sustainability education (e.g. children´s literature and young adult fiction),
- Global digital citizenship,
- Social media and democratic education in the foreign language classroom,
- Virtual exchanges, telecollaboration and global projects and initiatives,
- Citizenship learning for inclusion, sociocultural diversity and gender; global schools and cosmopolitan literacies,
- Civic and moral education, multicultural/cross-cultural education (e.g. regarding migration and refugees),
- Service Learning and peace education in Foreign Language Teacher Education,
- Innovations in teacher education, educational policies and curricula with regard to globally relevant topics,
Classroom technology and materials: i.e. mobile apps, interactive whiteboards, educational software, textbooks with a focus on global issues, - Implications, perspectives, and challenges regarding the question of what it entails to educate (digital) global citizens within foreign language education – now and in the future
Deadline for submissions: November 30th, 2018
Call for Papers with submission guidelines available here
All abstract submissions should use the submission template available here
Venue address:
Hauptgebäude LMU
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München