


The AILA Archive has been brought together and catalogued as an AILA 60th anniversary initiative. It consists of items in either the AILA Archive proper, the BAAL [British Association for Applied Linguistics] Archive or the Hornby ELT Archive, all currently located in the Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK. Enquiries:

The Archive contains the following:



AILA Bulletin [digitized and downloadable]

1970, No. 1
1970, No. 2
1970, No.3
1970, No.4
1971, No.1 (5)
1971, No.2 (6)
1971, No.3 (7)
1971, No.4 (8)
1972, No.1 (9)
1972, No.2 (10)
1972, No.3 (11)
1972-1973, No.1 (12)
1973, No.2 (13)
1973, No.3 (14)
1974, No.1 (15)
1974, No.2 (16)
1974, No.3 (17)
[Missing (18)]
1976, No.1 (19)
1977, No.1 (20)
[Missing (21)]
1978, No.1 (22)
1978, No.2 (23)
[Missing (24)]
1979, No. 1 (25)
1979, No. 2 (26)
1980, No. 1 (27)
1980, No.2 (28)
1981, No.1 (29)
1981, No.2 (30)
[Mising (31)]
1982, No. 2 (32)
1984, ‘Last issue’


AILA News [digitized and downloadable]

[Missing from Volume 1, No. 1 to Volume 4, No. 2]
1989, Volume 4, No. 3
1990, Volume 5, No. 1
[Missing Volume 5, No. 2]
1990, Volume 5, No. 3
1990, Volume 6, No. 1
[Missing Volume 6, No. 2]
1991, Volume 6, No. 3
[Missing Volume 7, No. 1]
[Missing Volume 7, No. 2]
1992, Volume 7, No. 3
1993, Volume 8, No. 1
1994, Volume 9, No. 1
1994, Volume 9, No. 2
1994, Volume 9, No. 3
1995, Volume 10, No. 1
[Missing, Volume 10, No. 2]
1996, Volume 10, No. 3
1997, Volume 11, No. 1
1997, Volume 11, No. 2
[Missing?, Volume 11, No. 3]
1998, Volume 1, No. 1
1999, Volume 1, No. 2
1999, Volume 1, No. 3
2000, No. 4 (New Series)


AILA Review [digitized and downloadable]

1984, No. 1
1985, No. 2
1986, No. 3, Psycholinguistics
1987, No. 4, Linguistics as Applied Linguistics
1988, No. 5, Classroom Research
1989, No. 6, Vocabulary Acquisition
1990, No. 7, Standardization in Language Testing
1991, No. 8, Reading in Two Languages
1992, No. 9, Language Teaching in the Twenty-first Century
1993, No. 10, Case Studies in Minority Languages
1994, No. 11, Consciousness in Second Language Learning
1995/6,  No. 12, Applied Linguistics across Disciplines
1999, No. 13, English in a Changing World
2001, No. 14, Applied LInguistics for the Twenty-First Century
2001, No. 15, Learner Autonomy: New Insights
2003, No. 16, Africa and Applied Linguistics
2004, No. 17, World Applied Linguistics: A Celebration of 40 Years of AILA.
2004, No. 18, Applied Linguistics in Latin America
2006, No. 19, Themes in SLA Research
2007, No. 20, Linguistic Inequality in scientific Communication Today
2008, No. 21, Multilingualism and Minority Languages
2009, No. 22, Multilingual, Globalizing Asia
2010, No. 23, Applied Cognitive Linguistics in Second Language Learning and Teaching
2011, No. 24, Applied Folk Linguistics



AILA Congress Proceedings

Pottier, B. & Bourquin, G. (Eds.) (1966). Actes du Premier Colloque International de Linguistique Appliquée. Nancy. 

Perren, G.E. & Trim, John (eds.) (1971). Applications of linguistics: Selected papers of the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Warwick ELT Archive collection]

Pimsleur, P. & Quinn, T. (eds.) (1973). The psychology of second language learning: Papers from the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. [Warwick ELT Archive collection]

Corder, S. P. & Roulet, E. (eds.) (1975) Some Implications of Linguistic Theory for Applied Linguistics. 3rd Neuchâtel Colloquium in Applied Linguistics in Collaboration with AIMAV, AILA, CILA and the University of Neuchâtel, 30th May - 1st June 1974. Collection d'Études Linguistiques'; 19. Brussels: AIMAV [Warwick ELT Archive collection]

den Haese, J. & Nivette, J. (Eds.) (1984). AILA Brussels 84 Proceedings (Vol. 1: sections 1–8). [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

den Haese, J. & Nivette, J. (Eds.) (1984). AILA Brussels 84 Proceedings (Vol. 2: sections 19–25). [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

den Haese, J. & Nivette, J. (Eds.) (1984). AILA Brussels 84 Proceedings (Vol. 3: sections 26–36 addendum). [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

den Haese, J. & Nivette, J. (Eds.) (1984). AILA Brussels 84 Proceedings (Vol. 4: Symposia Index. [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

Nivette, J., Goyvaerts, D. & van de Craen, P. (Eds.) (1984). AILA Brussels 84 Proceedings (Vol. 5: Plenary Papers). [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

Nivette, J., Goyvaerts, D. & van de Craen, P. (Eds.) (1986). Plenaire Voordrachten AILA Brussel 1984 – Conférences Plénières AILA Bruxelles 1984. [ABLA Papers]. Liège, Belgium. 

Efstathiadis, S. (Ed.) (1990). AILA Greece 90 Proceedings (Vol. 1: sections 1–20). [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

Efstathiadis, S. (Ed.) (1990). AILA Greece 90 Proceedings (Vol. 2: sections 21– 30). [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

Efstathiadis, S. (Ed.) (1990). AILA Greece 90 Proceedings (Vol. 3: Invited Speakers, Symposia, Special Symposia, Special Interest Groups, Round Tables). [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

Efstathiadis, S. (Ed.) (1990). AILA Greece 90 Proceedings (Vol. 4: Poster Sessions 1–30). [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.


AILA Congress Abstracts, Programmes, Newsletters, etc. 
[see also ‘Miscellaneous: Printed from websites’, further below]

(1969). Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge 8th–12th September 1969: Abstracts. Cambridge.

(1969). Abstracts of Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge.

(1972). List of Participants of 3rd International Congress of Applied Linguistics. [organised by The Danish Association for Applied Linguistics]. Copenhagen, Denmark.

(1972) Ovistgaard, J., Schwarz, H., & Spang-Hanssen, H. (Eds.).  3rd International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21st–26th August, 1972: Congress Abstracts. Copenhagen: Erhvervsoekonomisk Forlag.

(1972). 4-page leaflet for Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics. Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag.

(1972) 3rd International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21st–26th August, 1972. Final List of Participants.

(1975). AILA World Congress ’75 Stuttgart Abstracts. [4th International Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Stuttgart.

(1975). Fourth International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Stuttgart, 25th–30th August 1975: Abstract Supplement. Stuttgart. 

(1975). AILA World Congress ’75 Stuttgart Programme. [4th International Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Stuttgart.

(1977) Deuxième rapport du comité canadien d’organisation du Ve Congrès de L’Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée présenté au comité international de l’A.I.L.A., à Madrid, le 29 avril 1977, with covering letter from André Boudreau (secretary of 5th Congress (Montreal) organizing committee).

(1984). AILA Brussels 84 Programme. [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels, Belgium.

(1984). AILA Brusssels 84: Brochure / Conference Registration Form [in English]. [7th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Brussels.

(1984). AILA Brusssels 84: Brochure / Conference Registration Form [in French]. [7e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Appliquèe]. Brussels.

(1987). AILA 1987 Programme. [8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics – VIIIe Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Appliquée]. Sydney.

(1987). AILA 1987 Abstracts. [8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics – VIIIe Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Appliquée]. Sydney.

(1990). AILA 90 Greece Conference invitation brochure. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

(1990). AILA 90 Greece Volume Five: Programme. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

(1990). AILA 90 Greece Volume Six: List of Participants. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

(1990). Congress Forum – Monday 16 April. Newsletter of AILA 90 Greece. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

 (1990). Congress Forum – Tuesday 17 April. Newsletter of AILA 90 Greece. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

 (1990). Congress Forum – Wednesday 18 April. Newsletter of AILA 90 Greece. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

 (1990). Congress Forum – Thursday 19 April. Newsletter of AILA 90 Greece. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

 (1990). Congress Forum – Friday 20 April. Newsletter of AILA 90 Greece. [9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Thessaloniki – Halkidiki, Greece.

(1993). AILA ’93 Congress Guide. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1993). AILA ’93 Congress Programme and Abstracts – Monday. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1993). AILA ’93 Congress Programme and Abstracts – Tuesday. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1993). AILA Daily – Tuesday 10 August. Newsletter of AILA 1993. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1993). AILA ’93 Congress Programme and Abstracts – Thursday. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1993). AILA ’93 Congress Programme and Abstracts – Friday. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

 (1993). AILA Daily – Friday 13 August. Newsletter of AILA 1993. [10th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics]. Amsterdam.

(1996). AILA 96 – Second circular. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). AILA 96 Conference – Third circular. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland. 

(1996). AILA 96 Programme Abstracts. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). AILA 96 List of Participants and Exhibitors. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). Congress Today – Sunday August 4. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). Congress Today – Tuesday August 6. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). Congress Today – Thursday August 8. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1996). Congress Today – Friday August 9. [11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(1999). AILA ’99 Programme Abstracts [12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics]. Tokyo.

(2000). Report on AILA ‘99 Tokyo: Statistics and a Summary. The Organizing Committee, 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo.

(2002?) AILA 2002 Singapore: Applied Linguistics in the 21st Century: Opportunities for Innovation and Creativity: Third Circular.

(2002) AILA 2002 Singapore: Applied Linguistics in the 21st Century: Opportunities for Innovation and Creativity: Book of Abstracts [* donated by Low Ee Ling]


Miscellaneous (published)

(1970) Center for Applied Linguistics Annual Report for 1969, Washington D.C.

(1971). Sven Skundervisning I Utlandet. Stockholm.

(1974). ‘Attitude and Aptitude in Second Language Learning’ (brochure). Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 5th Annual Meeting. Ontario, Canada.

(1974). Brochure for Advanced Summer Course in Sociolinguistics. Organised by European Institute of Applied Linguistics. Belgium.

(1974). Poster for Advanced Summer Course in Sociolinguistics. Organised by European Institute of Applied Linguistics. Belgium. 

(1987). AILA Commission on Psycholinguistics Newsletter, 7(2), October 1987.  Kassel. 

(1994). IRAAL – ‘Language, Education and Society in a Changing World’ Conference flyer. Irish Association of Applied Linguistics. Dublin, Ireland.

(1981) Offprint sent to ‘Joos’ by Francisco de Gomes Matos of a review he had written for International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 19(2): 157–160 (review of Charles Bouton, La Linguistique Appliquée, 1979), containing three highlighted mentions of AILA activities.

(n.d.) Photocopy of one page from an unnamed journal with brief, boxed information about an ‘AILA Study’ coordinated by the Scientific Commission for Computational Applied Linguistics.

(1987) SAAL Newsletter no. 1: December 1987 [Singapore], containing front-page report ‘SAAL at AILA Congress in Sydney’.

(1988) Newspaper cutting from Forum (Université de Montréal), 25 January 1988, about Jacques D. Girard, Vice-President of AILA.

(1988) Publicity brochure for Essays on the English Language and Applied Linguistics on the Occasion of Gerard Nickel’s 60th Birthday, edited by Josef Klegraf and Dietrich Nehls (Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag), containing biography of Gerhard Nickel.

(1989). Horizons Canada. No. 5. Brussels.

(1989). SAAL Newsletter. No. 7. Singapore.

(1989). SAAL Newsletter. No. 8. Singapore.

(1990). Guide 1990: AILA. [contains details of Executive Board, Scientific Commissions etc.]

(1990). ELT News Greece. No.16, containing report on AILA 90 (9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics), critical in parts. 

(1992). AILA Vademecum. Information on the International Association of Applied Linguistics [A Guidebook]. Amsterdam.

(1995). La Lettre de L’ACEDLE, No. 4. Paris.

(1996). New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics (Vol. 2). ALANZ, Wellington.

(2003). SAAL Quarterly. No. 63. Singapore.


Miscellaneous (administrative)

(1968) Council of Europe – National Delegations. Strasbourg

(1969) Council of Europe – Assembly List. Strasbourg

(1970–1998) Folder: ‘Affiliation requests, recruitment, individual membership requests, disaffiliation’ 

(1972) Folder: Early correspondence about AILA (2 letters)

(1972–2002) Boxfile: Correspondence with Prospective Affiliates 

(1974) Folder: AILA Commission on Adult Language: List of countries, organisations & persons 

(1980) Photocopy of one-page ‘AILA Survey’ coordinated by Francisco Gomes de Matos on the teaching of applied linguistics at graduate level, partially completed by Francine Wattman Frank for State University of New York as [sic] Albany, April 15, 1980.

Folder: ‘Misc: Scientific Commissions; Affiliate surveys and reports’ [1989–2000]

Folder: ‘Old Solidarity Award letters / applications’ [1998–1999]

Folder: ‘Minutes’ [1999–2000]

Folder: ‘Information from Meetings 95 –>’ [1995–2002]

Folder: ‘South Africa EB/IC’ [2000–2001]

Folder: ‘Finances and Old Business Office’ [1993–1998] 

Folder: ‘Finances’ [1996–2002]

Folder: ‘Awards’ [1996–2002]

Folder: EB Japan visit labelled ‘Prof. Marc Spoelders’ [1988–2000]


Miscellaneous (Printed from websites)

Folder: AILA 2002 – Singapore
Conference notice in Asian Englishes: (printed)

Folder: AILA 2005 – Wisconsin
- main web-page
- invitation
- plenary speakers
- featured symposium
- individual papers
- poster abstracts (printed) (printed) (printed) (printed (printed) (printed)

Folder: AILA 2008 – Essen
- call for papers
- The World Language Process Symposium (printed) (printed)

Folder: AILA 2011 – Beijing
- Call for papers
- Programme
- Plenary speakers
- Photos (printed) (printed)

Folder: AILA 2014 – Brisbane
- Programme (printed)

Folder: AILA 2014 – Brisbane
Abstract book (printed)

Folder: AILA 2014 – Brisbane
Facebook (printed)

Folder: AILA 2017 – Rio de Janeiro
AILA 2017 Conference program: (printed)

Folder: AILA 2021 – Groningen
AILA 2021 Conference Report (printed) 

Folder: AILA 2023 – Lyon