• Linguistic Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability

    21st AILA World Congress Kuala Lumpur 2024


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    AILA Review: Two Issues per Year


The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goals imply direct attention to issues of language.

  • AILA has had a longstanding relationship with UNESCO and therefore it is pertinent for AILA to highlight the role of applied linguists to the Sustainable Development Agenda.
  • As applied linguists we should ask ‘What does the field of applied linguistics have to contribute to the realization of the SDGs?’
  • Language is important for the formulation and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Applied linguists need to ask ‘What language related issues arise from the SDGs?’
  • To reach all levels of society, applied linguists must address the language used for dissemination and equal exchange of ideas. Currently, it is mainly English.
  • Applied linguists as a stakeholder in the engagement of issues arising from the SDGs. How can applied linguists complement the inputs of other stakeholders?
  • Applied linguists should venture into more practical and policy-engaged linguistic efforts that aim to contribute to achieving the SDGs.
  • Applied linguists should make their research relevant to national, regional and global policies and help facilitate collaborative research and funding.
  • Applied linguists should look at the relationship between indigenous languages, traditional knowledge and sustainability.
  • Applied linguists can highlight the importance of supporting the publishing of research in AL in other languages but English. Minority/indigenous/heritage languages cannot only be the object of research and/or sustainability actions, they also need to become the medium through which all this is shared.
  • Applied linguists should also work in a “grassroots” fashion, supporting language communities, promoting languages in the workplace, in education etc.


See the original document: https://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/70/1&Lang=E