What's on in Applied Linguistics ...

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Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the February 2021 AILA Newsletter.

It's your choice: Hugging real people or saving airfare? For our future world congresses, AILA is developing attractive remote formats as complementary options to attending the conference in person. Please find the update in this newsletter.

Read about what the AILA family is doing. This issue discusses how we're:
  • investigating the impact of COVID-19 on language education in Europe
  • broadening the concept of applied linguistics in Japan
  • developing shared languages in transdisciplinary research collaborations
And join us in the discussion: Talking About Shared Languages. This is only one of three ongoing AILA research debates where we take topics from recent and forthcoming issues discussed in our journal, the AILA Review, to the next level.

Download the free AILA App to join the debate:

Best wishes,

Professor Daniel Perrin
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

AILA World Congress 2021: Update

Online Survey on Language Education in Europe: The Impact of Covid

JACET’s 60th Anniversary: Celebrating the Shift Towards Transdisciplinarity

Developing Shared Languages The Fundamentals of Mutual Learning in Transdisciplinary Collaboration

AILA Research Debate with Previews

ONELA 2021: Colloque AFLA and AILA Europe Junior Researchers 2021

AAAL 2021: Register Now for the Virtual Conference

Participation through Language: Actors, Practices, Ideologies

Centre for Applied Linguistics and Multilingalism (CALM) Webinar series

Journée d'études: Espagnol pour les humanités / Español para las humanidades

14th RaAM Conference

24th ISTAL: International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

3rd International Conference “Entretextos”

3rd Metadiscourse Across Genres (MAG2021)

LIF2021: 7th International Language in Focus Conference

TEANGA Journal Listed in Scopus

Research Sharepoint

Questionnaire on Experiences and Challenges when Preparing Multilingual Research for Publication

Research Network on Media Linguistics: Postfoundational Approaches to Newsmaking

Íkala: Call for Papers for the Special Issue on the Role of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning Amid the Crisis Generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic

TESL Canada Journal: Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Plurilingualism and Translanguaging. Pedagogical Approaches for Empowerment and Validation

Study Platform

The ENACT Web App: Learn Language through Culture

Linguacuisine Selected by HundrED Spotlight on Innovations in Bilingual Education