What's on in Applied Linguistics ...

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Dear Colleagues,

Why AILA? – At the 2020 meeting of the AILA Executive Board and International Committee, members from all over the world discussed the most relevant benefits they got from AILA in the past year and their most urgent wishes for the year to come. Please find a concise summary in this newsletter.

Moreover, the September 2020 AILA newsletter informs you about:
  • welcoming Latvijas Lietišķās valodniecības asociācija
  • upgrading the AILA Review
  • re-thinking ASEAN Applied Linguistics in pandemic times
Talking about re-thinking our field and practices: I took the opportunity to share my remote teaching experience by participating in the survey presented at the AILA Research Sharepoint. I would definitely do it again and look forward to results and conclusions.

Best wishes,

Professor Daniel Perrin
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

AILA Development: The Most Relevant Benefits and Urgent Requests

Welcoming Latvia

AILA Review: Two Issues per Year, on Hot Topics in the Field

AILA ASEAN Webinar. Re-thinking Applied Linguistics and Language Education in Multilingual ASEAN in Pandemic Times: The New Normal

17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021

LSPPC6: Multimodality and Beyond

Research Sharepoint

Remote Teaching Experience: Participate in the Survey