What's on in Applied Linguistics ...

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Estimadxs colegas,

The Ibero-American AILA regional network is about to be launched! This newsletter gets you in touch with the multilingual vision of our Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking colleagues and foregrounds the relevance of multilingualism in Applied Linguistics research and beyond.

Moreover, the July 2020 AILA newsletter informs you about:
  • visualizing morpho-etymological information, the case of Spanish
  • doing transdisciplinary research in the AILA ASEAN region
  • renewing AILA’s cooperation with the Council of Europe
  • sharing knowledge on multilingual awareness and practices
Talking about sharing knowledge: it’s worth having a look at our calls for forthcoming Applied Linguistics conferences and our AILA debate. For the moment, remote participation keeps us tuned in until face-to-face meetings are possible again.

Hoping to see you again soon, adeus por enquanto,

Professor Daniel Perrin
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

Fostering Multilingual Perspectives in Applied Linguistics Research: AILA Ibero-America

BDME TIP: Web Platform for Lexicon Morphogenetic Analysis

Transdisciplinary Research on Multilingualism under the Challenges of the Pandemic

AILA’s Cooperation with the Council of Europe Continued

Multilingual Awareness & Multilingual Practices Conference 2020 (MAMP3)

42th GERAS International Conference

International Conference on Multilingual Learning: Policies and Practices (MLPP2)

Call for Papers for the 2020 IRAAL Conference

Call for Literature: Systematic Reviews in Language Education

AILA Career Center

Online English Language Teacher for the UOC Centre for Modern Languages