What's on in Applied Linguistics ...



Dear Colleagues,

Please join me in welcoming three new national affiliates in the AILA family: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Indonesia, and Thailand. In this issue, we report on why our new members joined AILA and what this means for growing applied linguistics together.

In addition, the August 2019 newsletter features:
  • AILA 2020 World Congress: call for papers and update
  • 12th AILA-Europe Juniors' Researcher Meeting
  • events by partner organizations dealing with language(s)
  • calls for collaboration and participation
By the way, welcoming new national affiliates also means expanding the global network of applied linguists that can be reached through AILA channels. Help your colleagues access this network by inviting them to subscribe to the AILA newsletter at: https://aila.info/contact/newsletter/.

Best wishes,

Professor Daniel Perrin
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

19th AILA World Congress 2020: Call for Papers

Getting started: SAALinBiH. Challenging stereotypes and prejudices

Getting started: IAAL. Strengthening international connections

Getting started: TAAL. Raising the profile of applied linguistics in Thailand

One month to go: Call to present and discuss your research at the 2020 AILA World Congress

12th AILA-Europe Junior Researchers' Meeting in Applied Linguistics

Languages & the Media 2020: The 13th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media

Multilingual and Multicultural Learning: Policies and Practices (MMLPP)

Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics in Cork (Ireland)

First Virtual Conference Language, Communication and Education (LCE2020)

Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference 2020

Invitation to the 6th Göttingen Workshop

Publication PRELA

Innovations and Trends in Early Foreign Language Context

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