What's on in Applied Linguistics ...



Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for all the positive and constructive feedback on the third AILA Newsletter. In this fourth issue, these ideas have been implemented, for example, in the new AILA Career Center section. Once again, the news mirrors the AILA global network’s passion for what matters in our field and beyond.

Key topics in the October 2018 newsletter include:
  • Celebrating 40 years of ALAK
  • Launching the Society for Applied Linguistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Educating global citizens through foreign language teaching in the digital age
  • Intertwining communication, medicine, and ethics
  • Using language in the media to mediate resistance
After a pilot phase in the first half of 2018, I am sending three issues of the AILA newsletter to all of the officers of national affiliates. I invite you to
spread the word in your Applied Linguistics associations and subscribe to the newsletter here: aila.info

I am looking forward to reading your comments about the newsletter, to further improving it, and to seeing some of you in early December at the launch of the AILA ASEAN regional network.

Best wishes,

Professor Daniel Perrin
President, AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics

2018 ALAK International Conference

Opportunities, Challenges and Directions: Celebrating 40 Years of ALAK

October 13, 2018

​Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

The Society for Applied Linguistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SALinBiH)

Founded on September 28, 2018

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo

Educating the Global Citizen: International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age

March 25-28, 2019

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany

Comet 2019: 17th International Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics

June 26-28, 2019

CfP Deadline: December 20, 2018

University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Language in the Media 2019 Conference: “Mediating Resistance”

July 23-26, 2019

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

MAALIC 2018 and the Launching of AILA ASEAN

Applied Linguistics and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Language, Communication and the Professions

December 3-4, 2018

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

3rd International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (ICMME19)

March 21-23, 2019

FH Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany

4th international conference Thinking, Doing, Learning

Usage based perspectives on second language learning

June 17-19, 2019

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

PRELA 2019

défis méthodologiques, enjeux sociétaux et perspectives d’intervention

June 24-26, 2019

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

IVe Congrès International NEBRIJA de Linguistique Appliquée à l’Enseignement des Langues #FLE (Madrid)

En route vers le multilinguisme

June 27-29, 2019

Université Nebrija de Madrid, Spain

Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal: Call for Papers Volumes 21 & 22

Volume 21 No. 2: November 30, 2018
Volume 22 No. 1: March 15, 2019

Career Center

Associate Professor or Professor & Department Chair - Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in New York

John Jay College of Criminal Justice,
City University of New York
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