

Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts

February 14-16, 2019

University of York, United Kingdom

by MultiLingNet & the Centre of Language Learning and Use (CReLLU)


Free Language Learning and Cooking App Now Available

Dear colleagues Here is information on the new Linguacuisine web app, which is now ready for use, as well as an invitation to our London event in September. Please forward to anyone you think might be interested and I hope you will be able to add your own favourite recipe to the system! Free Language Learning and Cooking App Now …

Revista Nebrija: Section on Emotion, emotional intelligence and language

The Nebrija Journal of Linguistics Applied to Language Teaching publishes blind peer-reviewed contributions in French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.  The next issue will have a special section on Emotion, emotional intelligence and language and will be published by Kris Buyse (University of Leuven / Nebrija University) and Jean-Marc Dewaele (University of London) in November 2018. We ask that you communicate to …
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