3rd International Conference “Entretextos”

Conference theme: Discourse genres, corpus and translation in professional and academic contexts. Challenges and opportunities in the digital age

May 13–14, 2021

University of Alicante, Spain




The IULMA (Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages) Research Institute is pleased to announce the forthcoming 3rd International Conference EnTRetextos, to be held online on May 13–14, 2021.

The previous EnTRetextos Conferences have undertaken the analysis of the translation of specialized discourses (Valencia, 2016) and the multidisciplinary quality of the research in specialized discourses, as well as the global vision towards these discourses (Castellón, 2018).


We are grateful to the following keynote speakers who kindly accepted our invitation:

  • Carmen Sancho Guida, Technical University of Madrid
  • Jan Chovanec, Masaryk University
  • Dorothy Kenny, Dublin City University
  • Mª Ángeles Orts Llopis, University of Murcia


Conference Topics

 The EnTRetextos 2021 Organizing Committee invites and encourages researchers to send proposals related to the three aforementioned EnTRetextos topics and/or dealing with any of the following panels:

  • Languages for professional and academic
  • Specialized translation: teaching, research and
  • Discourse analysis: specialized genres, multimodality, discursive communities…
  • New technologies applied to the study of genres, corpus and specialized
  • Corpus linguistics and its application in professional and academic
  • Teaching professional and academic
  • Terminology and


Paper Catecories

 The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Papers: dealing with some of the topics listed above or any topic related to them;
  • Research in progress. Researchers are invited to submit current projects which are either at the proposal stage or are work in progress; and
  • Roundtables. The Programme Committee invites topical subjects to be proposed for discussion. In the first instance, an abstract describing the proposed topic and participants should be submitted.

Each participant can propose up to a maximum of two proposals in English, French, Spanish or Valencian from December 15 to February 28, 2021 (deadline). Guidelines for the submission of proposals are available at:

Proposals must be submitted through the EasyChair platform:

Please make sure you select the topic that best suits your proposal. The notification of acceptance will be sent on March 20, 2021.


A selection of the papers presented at the EnTRetextos 2021 Conference will be published as a special issue in a prestigious journal and a compilation of chapters in a book format. Papers are expected to be reviewed through double-blind refereeing, and their contribution should comply with the interests of publishers and the specific topics of the Conference, and need to be agreed in consultation with the publishers. Further information will be provided in due course.


Any questions, doubts and suggestions can be addressed to entretextos2021@gmail.com or by visiting the official Conference website: http://www.entretextos.es