ReN Perspectives and Trajectories of the Language Teacher in the 21st Century (TPLang21): Latest News
The COVID-19 pandemic led to delays regarding the planned ReN activities, in particular with regard to the two research studies the ReN has conducted. However, there were also positive developments: Data analysis of the second study is being done collaboratively by several members of the ReN and in an innovative way which could not have been anticipated at the start of the ReN. The results will be presented at the AILA21 conference.
The second challenge refers to the lack of a joint platform/space for collating our findings and ReN activities, as ReN members use different methods, tools and modes of communication and collaboration.
Joint presentation at the WorldCALL2018 conference and lively discussion with unexpected participation of further ReN members and the wider public.
Karamifar, Banafsheh; Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hopkins, Joseph; Heiser, Sarah; Ernest, Pauline; Emke, Martina and Pellerin, Martine (2018). Perspectives and trajectories of the language teacher in the 21st century. In: Proceedings WorldCALL 2018 Concepción, 13-16 November, 2018 CALLing all the CALLers Worldwide (Barr, David; Banados, Emerita and Gimeno, Ana eds.), Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, pp. 51–54.
Karamifar, Banafsheh; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Heiser, Sarah; Emke, Martina; Hopkins, Joseph; Ernest, Pauline; Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine (2019). Language Teachers and Their Trajectories Across Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching: Needs and Beliefs of ESL/EFL Teachers. TESL Canada Journal, 36(3) pp. 55–81.