Centre for Applied Linguistics and Multilingalism (CALM) Webinar series
November 19, 2020 – April 15, 2021
Online (Organized by Centre for Applied Linguistics and Multilingalism, National University of Ireland, Galway)
The Centre for Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism (CALM) aims to promote research in the area of applied linguistics and multilingualism as well as to increase the awareness of issues related to language learning, language processing and multilingualism within NUI Galway and the wider community.
A series of free webinars has been organised for the current academic year on topics of relevance to our research centre. Links to the events will be provided in individual posts on the CALM website and on social media channels.
1) Thursday, 6:00 to 7:00 pm GMT - Nov 19th 2020
Dr Mary-Pat O’Malley, NUI Galway: Making research meaningful for multilingual parents.
2) Thursday, 6:00 to 7:00 pm GMT - Dec 10th 2020
Dr John McCare, NUI Galway: Artificial intelligence approaches to multilinguality.
3) Thursday, 6:00 to 7:00 pm GMT - 18th February 2021
Mr Oein de Bhairduin: A Mincéir's view of Gammon revival: Irish traveller language from within.
4) Thursday, 6:00 to 7:00 pm GMT - 18th March 2021
Dr Francesca Nicora, NUI Galway: Prosody and language acquisition.
5) Thursday, 6:00 to 7:00 pm GMT - 15th April 2021
Prof. Anna Bączkowska, University of Gdansk: Corpus linguistics tools in language acquisition.